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Saturday, May 02, 2015

May Message - Church Director


Our State Deputy has outlined a number of events that occur during the month of May. I suggest that each council focus on at least one rosary prayed at a Council meeting for the intercession of Mary on the hearts of those contemplating abortion. It might also be good to pray a rosary for the lives lost to abortion. We are the best warriors in the defense of life.

I would like to suggest that you pray for the Holy Father's intention of Mary's intercession to help Christians in secularized countries to be ready to proclaim the good news of Jesus. This intention includes those of us in the US. Let people know when they have misinformation about the Catholic faith. Offer explanations with a Christlike disposition. 

A topic that has been coming up lately is that of Catholics remarried or married outside the Church. If we marry or divorce and remarry civilly, we are prevented from sacramental communion. As members of the Knights of Columbus people watch us. If we receive communion at Mass but live in a sinful relationship, we give the wrong impression. Talk to a priest, deacon, or marriage minister at your parish to resolve this situation.

May God bless each of you and those you love.

Dcn. Bruce Bennett, EdD


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