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Monday, July 20, 2015

KofC Participation at the Diocese of Phoenix Catholic Committee on Scouting


You, your council’s youth director, and other council officers are cordially invited to attend the Diocese of Phoenix Catholic Committee on Scouting’s “Bishop’s Dinner 2015 - Celebrating Our Call to Serve” at Mt. Claret Retreat Center, 4633 N 54th St, Phoenix, on Thursday, September 10, 2015. Please join in the acknowledgement of Catholic scouts earning the Eagle Scout rank, Gold Award and Stars and Stripes Award during the past year and presentation of the adult leader recognitions. The evening begins with a gathering at 5:30 PM, opening and dinner at 6:15 PM, and the main program at 7:15 PM.

I invite you to join me at this dinner. Your pastor has been invited to attend as well. Perhaps your council would consider extending an invitation to pay for the pastor’s dinner and offer to escort him to the event. If your parish has a Scout unit, you may want to coordinate with the unit committee to sponsor the pastor, deacon or youth minister.

To further support this cause, I encourage your council to purchase an ad in the dinner’s program book.

Please review and complete the attached forms for your reservations &/or ad for the program book.

Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns.

Vivat Jesus!

Larry Becker
State Deputy

Arizona Sate Council


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