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Tuesday, July 21, 2015

KofC AZ Culture of Life Activity: "Choose Life" License Plate Project


Here is an excellent and very easy Culture of Life activity that you and your council can do at no cost to your council and with very little effort! All you need to do is hand out cards advertising the “Choose Life” license plate. There are no names or money to collect. You will be directing people to go to a website to sign up for a the license plate from A.D.O.T.  This is a great way for people to show an outward sign that they are Pro-Life, for everyone to see while they are driving. I have these license plates on all 3 cars parked in my driveway.

The Arizona Life Coalition earns $17.00 for every plate ordered. Every year thereafter, when the owner renews their license plate, the coalition earns another $17.00.  If every council in Arizona had 5 people sign up for the plate, the coalition will earn over $12,000.00. They will get this year over year when people renew their plates. These funds are used for Pro-Life services throughout Arizona.

Here’s the plan:
  • By August 16, please contact State Program Chairman Chet Yancy, at CRYancy@aol.com , to let him know that your council wants to do this activity on a weekend, at your parish, between September 19 to October 19, 2015. You have 5 weekends to pick from.
  • We will get you 2,000 post cards that advertise the “Choose Life” license plate. See attached. (We are only ordering enough cards to cover the councils that report back to Brother Chet by August 16.)
  • Schedule a pulpit announcement the weekend of your project, saying your council will be handing these cards out after the Masses.
  • You should ask to show the 3 minute video during each Mass, found at this link  https://vimeo.com/126832052  to explain to the Parish the purpose of and how easy it is to order these license plates.
  • Hand out the cards as people exit the Church. Show them the website address on the card. This is the website to purchase the license plate for their car.
  • That’s it! There are no name lists to keep or money to handle. Nothing to turn back to the State Council. Just hand out all of the cards!

Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns.

Vivat Jesus!

Larry Becker
State Deputy
Arizona Sate Council


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