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Thursday, December 31, 2015

KofC at the Tucson March for Life on January 16, 2016

I strongly encourage ALL Brother Knights, their families and friends  to participate in the Tucson March for Life for the 43rd anniversary of Roe v Wade decision, on Saturday on January 16, 2016. We will have Knights of Columbus "Defend Life" signs to hand out at the event. Please make every effort to attend and march in this rally. This is for ALL Arizonians across our great state!
GATHERING AND LAUNCH  POINT for the March is St. Augustine Cathedral, 192 S Stone Ave, Tucson AZ
MARCH will proceed from the St. Augustine Cathedral to the Holy Hope Cemetery (4.1 miles)

·         GATHER at St. Augustine Cathedral by 9:00 am

·         MASS before the March at 9:00 am, Bishop Kicanas is the main Celebrant

·         MARCH begins from the Cathedral at 10:00 am

·         MARCH to Holy Hope Cemetery completes by 12:00 pm (4.1 miles)

·         MEMORIAL SERVICE FOR THE UNBORN at Holy Hope Cemetery at 12:00 pm (20 minutes)

·         RETURN Transportation will be provided back to cathedral

Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns.
Vivat Jesus!
Larry Becker
State Deputy
Arizona State Council

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

KofC at the March for Life to the Arizona State Capitol on Friday on January 22, 2016



I strongly encourage ALL Brother Knights, their families and friends  to participate in the largest state-wide March for Life to the Arizona State Capitol on Friday on January 22, 2016. We will have Knights of Columbus “Defend Life” signs to hand out at the event. Please make every effort to attend and march in this rally. This is for ALL Arizonians across our great state!


Arizona Life Coalition President Benta Clark says,


“The Arizona for Life March and Rally 2016 will be a vibrant, passionate, family friendly event celebrating, educating and activating the already powerful pro-life movement in Arizona. This event will focus on empowering our state to support alternatives to abortion and will provide healing for women who have suffered an abortion and seek help. This will occur in Downtown Phoenix at midday on January 22nd, 2016 the 43rd Anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision. The event will begin with a March for Life to the Arizona State Capitol for a Rally sure to invigorate those who come to “Be a Voice” for the most vulnerable of God’s children.


Hosted by the Arizona Life Coalition, an organization dedicated to bringing together the pro-life community, inspiring and activating toward a culture of life and love, the Rally will feature live and upbeat music, engaging speakers including Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted, Pat Layton, and Gianna Jessen, the internationally known advocate for life who survived an attempted abortion procedure herself. We anticipate 12,900 attendees, as each voice present will speak for a boy or girl who could not speak for themselves.


Please plan to help us get the word out and to join us for this tremendous moment. We have provided a toolkit for leaders to promote the event and speak comfortably about being Pro-Life in

this packet.”


GATHERING AND LAUNCH  POINT for the March is Cesar Chavez Memorial Plaza (201 W. Washington St.).


MARCH will proceed from Cesar Chavez Memorial Plaza along WASHINGTON ST. and go WEST directly to WESLEY BOLIN PLAZA.



·         GATHER at Cesar Chavez Memorial Plaza from 10:30 - 11:15 am

·         BRIEF ADDRESS before March from 11:15 - 11:30 am

·         MARCH begins along WASHINGTON STREET at 11:30 am

·         MARCH completes by 12:30 pm

·         RALLY begins at Wesley Bolin Memorial Plaza at 12:30 pm featuring Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted and International Speaker Gianna Jessen

·         RALLY CONCLUDES at 2 pm


Where to park or drop off

·         Public lots for cars will be available around 2nd Ave. and Washington/Jefferson.

·         Drop-off for buses is on Jefferson Street south of Cesar Chavez Plaza. Pick up groups after Rally on 17th Avenue between Wesley Bolin Plaza and State Capitol Building.

·         Parking for buses will be nearby.

·         Light Rail station two blocks from Cesar Chavez Plaza (Central and Washington).






















































Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns.


Vivat Jesus!


Larry Becker

State Deputy

Arizona State Council




Sunday, December 27, 2015

Extension - 2016 January Fourth Degree Exemplification - Tucson

The window for registration has been extended due to the Christmas break. However, we do need the registration forms received no later than January 4th. Please forward this to your Third Degree Knights to encourage them to partake in the Exemplification.

The Fourth Degree Exemplification will take place January 9, 2016 at the DoubleTree Hotel in Tucson. 
If a brother knight is attending the January 3, 2016 Second and Third Degree Exemplification in Tucson, they are still eligible to participate in the Fourth Degree Exemplification. Have them fill out the registration, send in the check, and put at the top of the form “2nd and 3rd Degree Tucson”. If for some reason they do not attend the Jan 3 exemplification, the form and check will be mailed back to them.

Please see the attached documents for more information or go to the Masters Fourth Degree Website at  http://www.az4thdegree.org/p/exemplifications.html for more information. 

Note: Forms can be filled out on your computer then printed. This is the preferred method to ensure legibility.  

Vivat Jesus!
Bob Holsinger
Arizona State District Master

Tom Kato 
4th Degree Registration Chairman

Pete Karculias
Host Assembly Chairman
Msgr. James T. Weber Assembly 2152

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Merry Christmas From State Deputy Larry Becker



Faith makes all things possible, 

Hope makes all things work, 

Love makes all things beautiful, 

May you have all the three for this Christmas. 


Your faith, hope, and love made our Ultrasound Initiative possible. I am proud to announce that the Arizona jurisdiction successfully reached its goal of $40,000.00 before the end of the fund raising campaign! I personally want to thank all the councils, assemblies, and individuals who contributed in funds, talent, and prayers for this great cause. Because of this Christmas gift of life, along with the Supreme Council’s matching funds, Fatima Women’s Center will soon receive their 4-D Ultrasound machine. We have given the gift of life! Thank you!


It is indeed a very Merry Christmas!


















Vivat Jesus!


Larry Becker

State Deputy

Arizona State Council

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

State Free Throw Championship 2016

                           Knights of Columbus
Council, District and State Free Throw Championship 2016
Brother Knights,
The Free Throw Championship season is just around the corner.  We are looking forward to a great event with the anticipation all Arizona Councils will be participating this year.  If you have not received or ordered your kit from Supreme, please do so right away.  Schedule your Council event for the month of January. 
Grand Knights: Within a week after the Council event, forward/scan all the WINNERS entry forms/score sheets to your District Deputy.  He will need this information for the District level Free Throw Championship which should be scheduled in February. 
District Deputies: After you determine if there will be a District event, and once it is completed, forward/scan the entry forms/score sheets to the State at: AzKnights@q.com.  These forms MUST be received BEFORE the event. If there is no District Championship, because only one council in your District participates, it is your responsibility to forward/scan this Council’s WINNERS entry forms/score sheets to the State. 
NO Participate should hand carry his/her form to the State Event. Forms may be mailed to: Knights of Columbus, 14175 W. Indian School Rd, Suite B4-626, Goodyear, AZ  85395
Remember there can only be ONE winner per category, Per District. If you determine the 1st Place Winner will not attend the State Event you may send the 2nd Place Winners form to the State.  Please make sure the Council Number and the District Number are on each form before sending the winners forms.
District Deputies please make sure that this information makes it to each of your Council’s Grand Knights and Youth Directors.
This year’s State Championship will be:
DATE:  March 5, 2016
PLACE:  Notre Dame Prep High School
9701 E Bell Rd. Scottsdale AZ. 85260
TIME: Sign-in is between 9:00 to 10:00 a.m.   Start time 10:15 a.m.
Award Ceremony will be immediately after the event.
Lunch will be offered by St. Joseph’s Youth Camp
Thank you for your assistance and if you have any questions contact:
Joe Danko, DD 15
State Free Throw Co Chair     
602 710-0418                                OR
Howard Birnbaum                                
State Free Throw Co Chair
602 809-5442

Monday, December 21, 2015

Coats for Kids - Council 12246

Thank you for supporting Knights of Columbus St. Benedict Council 12246 Coats for Kids.  Over 100 children are going to be warmer this winter thanks to you. It got quite cold early this year so they were all very timely gifts. 

Here are a few pictures of the coats wrapped and ready for delivery and some of the coats under the trees ready for Christmas. 

Ready for St. Vincent de Paul Chris Becker Dining Room delivery:
Inline image 1 
Ready for Vista Colina delivery:
Inline image 2
Delivery to Vista Colina by Rudy and Jay to Nora
Inline image 3
Some Families sent pictures of their trees with the gifts under them. Some of you may recognize the gifts you wrapped. 
Inline image 4

Inline image 5

Inline image 6

Friday, December 04, 2015

Knights in Action Photo

Members of St. Pius X at a Habitat For Humanity build day in Tucson.

Tuesday, December 01, 2015



Similar to last year, the Arizona State Council will be conducting a special series of Knights of Columbus degree exemplifications especially for Priests and Deacons. Councils and Assemblies are strongly encouraged to approach your non-member Priests and Deacons and ask them to join the Order by January 9, 2016, so they can attend these special ceremonies. You will need to conduct a First Degree exemplification at your local council for them prior to January 9, 2016. If your Priests and Deacons are already First Degree members, please invite and bring them to these special ceremonies being held just for them. There is no charge for the Second and Third Degree exemplifications for Priest or Deacons. There is a Supreme charge of $25.00 per person attending the Fourth Degree exemplification. We are asking that the council and/or assembly supporting the Priest or Deacon pay this fee.

Diocese of Tucson Exemplifications (Invitation Letter)
  • Prior to January 11, 2016, local Councils will approach their non-member Priests and Deacons to ask them to join the Order and attend a First Degree (Admissions Degree) at their local council location, near or at the local  Parish. There will be no charge for this degree. If they are not contacted prior to January 11th, the interested Priest and Deacon can contact State Deputy Larry Becker at azlarry@cox.net or (480) 760-5122.

  • We are conducting the Second and Third Degree (Formation and Knighthood Degrees) exemplifications on Wednesday, January 13, 2016. This will start at 6:30PM and conclude at about 9:00PM. We are holding these degrees ceremonies free of charge at Knights of Columbus Council #3855 Hall, 8066 N. 49th Avenue, Glendale, Arizona. Any Priest or Deacon planning to attend needs to RSVP by Saturday, January 9, 2016, to District Deputy #15, Joe Danko, (602)710-0418.

  • We are conducting the Fourth Degree (Patriotic Degree) exemplification on Thursday, January 21, 2016. This will start at 6:30PM and conclude at about 9:00PM. We are asking the supporting councils and assemblies to pay the $25.00 fee for their Priests and Deacons to attend. We are holding this degree ceremony at Knights of Columbus Council #3855 Hall, 8066 N. 49th Avenue, Glendale, Arizona. Any Priest or Deacon planning to attend needs to RSVP by Monday, January 18, 2016, to District Master SK Bob Holsinger, (480) 329-0815 or r_e_holsinger@msn.com

Diocese of Phoenix Exemplifications (Invitation Letter)
  • Prior to January 9, 2016, local Councils will approach their non-member Priests and Deacons to ask them to join the Order and attend a First Degree (Admissions Degree) at their local council location, near or at the local  Parish. There will be no charge for this degree. If they are not contacted prior to January 9, the interested Priest and Deacon can contact State Deputy Larry Becker at azlarry@cox.net or (480) 760-5122.

  • We are conducting the Second and Third Degree (Formation and Knighthood Degrees) exemplifications on Tuesday, January 12, 2016. This will start at 6:30PM and conclude at about 9:00PM. We are holding these degrees ceremonies free of charge at Knights of Columbus Council #1200 Hall, 601 S. Tucson Blvd., Tucson, Arizona. Any Priest or Deacon planning to attend needs to RSVP by Monday, January 9, 2016, to District Deputy #4, Willie Watts, Cell: (520)241-3091.

  • We are conducting the Fourth Degree (Patriotic Degree) exemplification on Tuesday, January 21, 2016. This will start at 6:30PM and conclude at about 9:00PM. We are asking the supporting councils and assemblies to pay the $25.00 fee for their Priests and Deacons to attend. We are holding this degree ceremony at Knights of Columbus Council #1200 Hall, 601 S. Tucson Blvd., Tucson, Arizona. Any Priest or Deacon planning to attend needs to RSVP by Saturday, January 16, 2016, to District Master SK Bob Holsinger, (480) 329-0815 or r_e_holsinger@msn.com

Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns.

Vivat Jesus!

Larry Becker
State Deputy

Arizona State Council

State Deputy Message - December 2015


Happy Advent! Beginning the Church's liturgical year, Advent is the season encompassing the four Sundays and weekdays leading up to the celebration of Christmas. The Advent season is a time of preparation that directs our hearts and minds to Christ’s second coming at the end of time and also to the anniversary of the Lord’s birth on Christmas. The final days of Advent, from December 17 to December 24, focus particularly on our preparation for the celebrations of the Nativity of our Lord or Christmas.

Let’s enjoy this Advent season, by having some fun, and by recruiting a “Knight” before Christmas:

     Rudolph, The Membership Director
     You know the Grand Knight and Deputy Grand Knight and the Chancellor and Warden,
     You know the Fin Sec and Treasurer and Recorder and Trustees,
     But do you recall
     The most famous council member of all?

     Rudolph, the Membership Director
     Had a very positive attitude
     And if you ever met him
     You would even say he helps the council grow
     All of the other members
     Used to wonder how he brought in new names
     They never thought poor Rudolph
     Helped the council stay strong with his gains

     Then one council meeting night,
     The Grand Knight came to say,
     Rudolph with your attitude so bright,
     Will you help us grow in strength in new members tonight?

     Then how all the council members loved him,
     As he kept the council growing strong!
     Rudolph the Membership Director
     You'll go down in history!

Merry Christmas!

Vivat Jesus!

Larry Becker
State Deputy
Arizona State Council
Knights of Columbus
PO Box 1944

Gilbert, AZ 85299