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Wednesday, December 30, 2015

KofC at the March for Life to the Arizona State Capitol on Friday on January 22, 2016



I strongly encourage ALL Brother Knights, their families and friends  to participate in the largest state-wide March for Life to the Arizona State Capitol on Friday on January 22, 2016. We will have Knights of Columbus “Defend Life” signs to hand out at the event. Please make every effort to attend and march in this rally. This is for ALL Arizonians across our great state!


Arizona Life Coalition President Benta Clark says,


“The Arizona for Life March and Rally 2016 will be a vibrant, passionate, family friendly event celebrating, educating and activating the already powerful pro-life movement in Arizona. This event will focus on empowering our state to support alternatives to abortion and will provide healing for women who have suffered an abortion and seek help. This will occur in Downtown Phoenix at midday on January 22nd, 2016 the 43rd Anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision. The event will begin with a March for Life to the Arizona State Capitol for a Rally sure to invigorate those who come to “Be a Voice” for the most vulnerable of God’s children.


Hosted by the Arizona Life Coalition, an organization dedicated to bringing together the pro-life community, inspiring and activating toward a culture of life and love, the Rally will feature live and upbeat music, engaging speakers including Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted, Pat Layton, and Gianna Jessen, the internationally known advocate for life who survived an attempted abortion procedure herself. We anticipate 12,900 attendees, as each voice present will speak for a boy or girl who could not speak for themselves.


Please plan to help us get the word out and to join us for this tremendous moment. We have provided a toolkit for leaders to promote the event and speak comfortably about being Pro-Life in

this packet.”


GATHERING AND LAUNCH  POINT for the March is Cesar Chavez Memorial Plaza (201 W. Washington St.).


MARCH will proceed from Cesar Chavez Memorial Plaza along WASHINGTON ST. and go WEST directly to WESLEY BOLIN PLAZA.



·         GATHER at Cesar Chavez Memorial Plaza from 10:30 - 11:15 am

·         BRIEF ADDRESS before March from 11:15 - 11:30 am

·         MARCH begins along WASHINGTON STREET at 11:30 am

·         MARCH completes by 12:30 pm

·         RALLY begins at Wesley Bolin Memorial Plaza at 12:30 pm featuring Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted and International Speaker Gianna Jessen

·         RALLY CONCLUDES at 2 pm


Where to park or drop off

·         Public lots for cars will be available around 2nd Ave. and Washington/Jefferson.

·         Drop-off for buses is on Jefferson Street south of Cesar Chavez Plaza. Pick up groups after Rally on 17th Avenue between Wesley Bolin Plaza and State Capitol Building.

·         Parking for buses will be nearby.

·         Light Rail station two blocks from Cesar Chavez Plaza (Central and Washington).






















































Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns.


Vivat Jesus!


Larry Becker

State Deputy

Arizona State Council





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