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Thursday, December 31, 2015

KofC at the Tucson March for Life on January 16, 2016

I strongly encourage ALL Brother Knights, their families and friends  to participate in the Tucson March for Life for the 43rd anniversary of Roe v Wade decision, on Saturday on January 16, 2016. We will have Knights of Columbus "Defend Life" signs to hand out at the event. Please make every effort to attend and march in this rally. This is for ALL Arizonians across our great state!
GATHERING AND LAUNCH  POINT for the March is St. Augustine Cathedral, 192 S Stone Ave, Tucson AZ
MARCH will proceed from the St. Augustine Cathedral to the Holy Hope Cemetery (4.1 miles)

·         GATHER at St. Augustine Cathedral by 9:00 am

·         MASS before the March at 9:00 am, Bishop Kicanas is the main Celebrant

·         MARCH begins from the Cathedral at 10:00 am

·         MARCH to Holy Hope Cemetery completes by 12:00 pm (4.1 miles)

·         MEMORIAL SERVICE FOR THE UNBORN at Holy Hope Cemetery at 12:00 pm (20 minutes)

·         RETURN Transportation will be provided back to cathedral

Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns.
Vivat Jesus!
Larry Becker
State Deputy
Arizona State Council


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