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Wednesday, June 01, 2016

State Deputy Message - June 2016

June 1, 2016


In the Catholic Church, the month of June is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.  The Church celebrates the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus on the Friday following the second Sunday after Pentecost. The "Sacred Heart" is Christ, the Word Incarnate, and Savior, intrinsically containing, in the Spirit, an infinite divine-human love for the Father and for his brothers.

There are some key dates in June to note. Perhaps one of my favorites is June 2, National Rocky Road Ice Cream Day. (Yum, this is my favorite ice cream flavor!) Flag Day is on June 14. Disneyland opened on June 17, 1955. Father’s Day is on June 19. The Summer Solstice is on June 21. The Pledge of Allegiance was first recognized by Congress on June 22, 1942. And June 30, is Father-In-Law Day.  And lastly, June 30 is also the last day of the Knights of Columbus fraternal year.

In just four short weeks, is the end of this fraternal year. Have you done everything you can to earn the Star Council Award? If so, can you stretch to reach the next level of a multi-Star Council Award? Did you submit your Columbian Award Application SP-7 to report on all the great service programs your council did this year? Did your council hold elections for the council officers for the next fraternal year? You should not delay on these items. Submit your council’s year-end forms early. You deserve the recognition for a job well done. We are all looking forward to earning the Supreme Circle of Honor Award for the Arizona jurisdiction. If we all do our part, together we will all succeed!

This is my last State Deputy’s monthly message. In writing 24 of these messages over the last two fraternal years, my hope was that they were meaningful and helpful to you. I made every effort to be honest and transparent, while trying to have fun and conveying messages to help drive our great State to success. I enjoyed writing these, as I opened my heart and soul onto the printed page. I will miss writing these messages. I will also miss being your humble servant as your State Deputy. I thoroughly enjoyed meeting and working with everyone in Arizona and in the Order. I am truly blessed to have served in this capacity. Thank you for the honor. I wish the very best to next year’s State Officers and leadership team. I promise to keep my head in the game until June 30, when I hope to announce Arizona’s success as a Supreme Circle of Honor Award winner! Then, we can all enjoy a “Rocky Road” ice cream cone to celebrate!

St. Michael the Archangel, pray for us!

Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns.

Vivat Jesus!

Larry Becker
State Deputy
Arizona State Council


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