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Friday, September 16, 2016

Knights in Action POW-MIA Ceremony Photos

September 16th is Prisoner of War- Missing in Action (POW-MIA) National Recognition Day.  Sir Knights from the Father Anthony Rey Assembly # 3617 were joined by Sir Knights from the Father Henry Miller Assembly # 2308 and Sir Knights from the MSGR Don H. Hughes Assembly # 23892 and Knights from the Bishop Francis J. Green Council # 11855  in conducting the 3rd annual POW-MIA Ceremony at Saints Peter and Paul Catholic School.  This year the middle school students at Saints Peter and Paul were joined by the 5th graders in Mrs. Deb Mansager’s class from San Manuel.  Several parents were also in the audience.  We were honored to have Father Albert Miranda (also a Knight of Columbus) attend the ceremony and lead us in prayer.
It takes a Baker’s Dozen worth of pictures to explain the ceremony.  Brothers, we hope you enjoy.
Students stand as the Color Guard prepares to post the colors at the 3rd annual POW-MIA Ceremony at Saints Peter and Paul Catholic School.

Color Guard presents the colors and students recite the Pledge of Allegiance.

The audience and our Worthy Marshal AZ South – Sir Knight Drew Mansager, applaud after the Color Guard posts the colors at the 3rd annual POW-MIA Ceremony.

Master of Ceremonies, Faithful Captain of the Father Anthony Rey Assembly # 3617 – Sir Knight Ray Obral, explains the significance of the details in the POW-MIA flag.

Sir Knights Jay Eisele and Gus Aguilar point out the details on the POW-MIA flag as Faithful Captain – Ray Obral explains their significance to the students.

Master Sergeant Paul Gallegos on active duty at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base narrates the table ceremony.  Master Sergeant Gallegos is a Knight of Columbus in the Bishop Francis J. Green Council # 11855 at Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Church.

Master Sergeant Gallegos explains the significance of the salt shakers as Principal Roll and Father Albert Miranda observe.  THERE IS SALT ON THE PLATE, SYMBOLIC OF THE FAMILY'S TEARS AS THEY WAIT AND REMEMBER.  Bell tolls once.

As the Knights raise their glasses as in a toast, the narrator explains THEY (the Prisoners of War and Missing in Action) CANNOT TOAST WITH US TODAY -- MAYBE TOMORROW, IF WE REMEMBER.   Bell tolls once.

Knights salute our Prisoners of War and Missing in Action as they conclude the table ceremony.
As the table ceremony concludes our Worthy Marshall – Drew Mansager, has us all reaching for our handkerchiefs as he plays “Amazing Grace” on his bagpipes.  Following the ceremony, Drew gave an encore performance for the students and explained how the bagpipes work.

Color Guard prepares to retire the colors.

On the way back to their classrooms, students file by the table to get a close look at all the symbolism discussed during the ceremony.

Principal Roll and Father Albert requested a group photo of all who made the POW-MIA ceremony such a memorable experience for the students.

Respectfully submitted by SK Rick Riess, Father Anthony Rey Assembly # 3617


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