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Wednesday, September 07, 2016

Upcoming Training Sessions.

Worthy Grand Knights,


This year our Supreme Council has been promoting and providing more training for Council Officers and members.  The Supreme Webinars are a prime example of Supreme's commitment to assist State and Local Councils provide information and training for our Officers and Members.


This commitment is extending to our State Council.  Throughout the year we will be sponsoring an assortment of workshops and training to provide our members and leaders tools they can use to Build our Domestic Church and increase our membership.


The first of these training sessions will be offered the end of this month.  Please mark you calendars  and make plans to attend the training session nearest to you.  We are working on plans to have other training sessions in the areas of the state outside of the Phoenix and Tucson metropolitan areas.


So that we may have adequate refreshments available please either notify the contact listed for the location you plan to attend or our State Training Coordinator FDD Bob Julien (diver_bobj@q.com)  the number of men who will be attending.  It is important that you have both Council officers and Membership and Program leaders at these sessions.


Looking at your Fraternal Planner you will notice that October lists Council Church drives.  To assist us be prepared we have invited our Supreme Membership and Program Consultant Patrick Maloney to lead these training Sessions.  Brother Patrick is a Past State Deputy from Washington and has served as an MPC for several years 


The Topics for these initial sessions will be Membership Recruitment and Retention.  This will be more than standing behind a table outside of church.  We will learn skills to use in our Membership recruiting and retention activities.


 Each session is scheduled to begin at 7:00 PM with doors open at least 15 minutes early so we can be seated and ready to begin on time.


Monday September 26, 2016

Holy Family Parish

338 E. University Blvd

Tucson, AZ

(contact: DD Luis Kamei, email addr: lekamei@msn.com)


Wednesday September 28, 2016

St. Bernard of Clairvaux Roman Catholic Church

10755 North 124th St.

Scottsdale, AZ  85259

(2nd Floor Classrooms, South side and East end of parish campus)

(contact: GK Rob Mastro, email addr: robmastro@gmail.com)


Thursday September 29, 2016

Our lady of Czestochowa Parish

2828 W Country Gables Dr

Phoenix, AZ 85053

(contact: GK Jerry Bielawski, email addr: jerrybielawski@yahoo.com)


I look forward to seeing as many participants as possible at these events.








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