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Tuesday, October 25, 2016

2016 Mid Year Meeting

Worthy District Deputies, Worthy Council Officers, and Brother Knights,
The 2016-2017 Fraternal Year Mid-Year meeting will be hosted by Raul Navarrete Council 9482 at St. Andrew the Apostle in Chandler Friday December 2-4, 2016.

Click here for the Registration Packet.

The registration packet contains information for this year's State Mid Year meeting. Please excuse the delayed timing of this notice as we worked to find another Council after the original Council in Tucson that was planning to host had to withdraw due to Parish schedule conflicts.

I ask that you notice of the deadlines for registering and take prompt action so we can plan on having you there without the need for your Assigned State Officers to follow up with you in a few weeks.

I look forward to seeing you in Chandler. Please come with questions to ask and ideas to share.

Sean Halpain
State Deputy
Arizona Knights of Columbus


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