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Friday, October 14, 2016

2016-2017 Membership Promotion Program

Greetings, Brothers.  We have great news!

Due to “popular demand”, the Arizona Star Recruiter membership incentive is back, and it’s better than ever! The “Arizona Star Recruiter” pin is back for your first member recruited and we’ve added additional incentives for recruiting 3 members and recruiting 5 or more members.  We also have some additional goodies for councils and District Deputies.

Remember, there are no postcards required for this year-long membership promotion program!  Individual awards are based on the proposer on record at the Supreme office.  This means it is very important that complete and accurate proposer information (including Name and Member Number) is printed on the new member’s form 100.
Year-Long Member Incentive

Recruit a new or reactivate a member and print your name and member number in the proposer information on the form 100 during the 2016-2017 Fraternal Year. Upon the Arizona State Council’s receipt of the monthly membership notification from the Supreme office you will receive the following:* Recruit your first new member and you will receive a special commemorative “Arizona Star Recruiter” pin.*Recruit 3 new members and in addition to the pin, you will receive a special commemorative “Arizona Star Recruiter” keychain.*Recruit 5 or more members and in addition to the pin and keychain, you will receive an award worth $25 at Knight’s Gear, and a $5 award for each additional member thereafter that you recruit.

See the attached flyer for additional details on the 2016-2017 Membership Promotion Program.

October and November Council Incentive

In addition to the year-long program, we have a special incentive for the next two months.  For each 2 new members a council recruits in October and November, the council will receive an “Arizona Star Recruiter” apron.  Grow the Order in Arizona and outfit your council in style at the same time!

District Deputy Admission Degree Incentive

District Deputies, we know that frequent Admission (First) Degrees help spur membership growth, and we set the goal for a minimum of one Admission Degree per District per month.  We have been tracking this since the fraternal year began and several Districts are meeting this goal.  To encourage Districts to promote Admission Degrees, in addition to the year-long Membership Promotion program those Districts with at least one Admission Degree each month, or with a minimum of 13 Admission Degrees during the Fraternal Year will receive a special incentive.  Stay tuned for details. Remember, we base this incentive on your submission of form 450s so don’t forget to send them in.

Finally, all of these incentives are in addition to the Incentives offered by Supreme.

Brothers, the Order, our state and our councils must continue to grow.  If we are going to continue to support our bishops and our clergy, and if we are going to continue to support our communities and all of the individuals who depend on the Knights of Columbus, if we are going to “Build the Domestic Church while Strengthening our Parishes”, we must continue to grow.  Hopefully these incentives will help energize your efforts.


Kevin McCarthy
State Membership Director
Arizona State Council
Knights of Columbus
Cell: (602) 684-8125
Be the Leader of Your Domestic Church


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