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Monday, March 14, 2016

2016 Special Olympics State Basketball and Cheerleading Competition - March 11 and 12th

Good Morning Worthy State Officers, Directors, Chairmen, and Brothers,

      This past Friday and Saturday (03/11/16 and 03/12/16) the Arizona State Special Olympics held their State Basketball and Cheerleading Competition in Tucson.
St Pius X Council (10762) had Seven (7) Volunteers on Friday (3/11/16)  and one (1) Volunteer of Saturday (3/12/16) at the Sporting Chance Basketball Facility.
I Volunteered on Saturday at the Cheerleading Competition held at the University of Arizona Recreation Center.
Overall this was a very successful event.

SK Fred Falgiano, from St Pius X Council did and outstanding job recruiting and coordinating the volunteers from his council.
We would not have been so successful if it were not for Brother Fred.

Vivat Jesus!!!


Kevin Donnelly
State Special Olympics Chairman
Arizona State Council
Knights of Columbus
Cell: (520) 370-9041



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