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Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Christmas Eve Rosary with Bishop Olmsted

Brother Knights,
I would like to invite and encourage you and your families to join Bishop Olmsted and others on Christmas Eve to pray a community Rosary is support of the unborn. Following is a message from the Diocese of Phoenix Office of Marriage and Respect Life
Due to Christmas Eve falling on a Sunday, our annual Christmas Eve Rosary with Bishop Olmsted will be held at a NEW TIME this year, from 1:00 PM - 2:15 PM. PLEASE HELP US SPREAD THE WORD!
Time: 1:00 PM - 2:15 PM
Location: Planned Parenthood, 5771 W. Eugie Ave., Glendale, AZ

As we celebrate the eve of Christ's birth, join Bishop Olmsted in praying the rosary outside the Planned Parenthood facility in Glendale. Please park along nearby streets and walk to the site; do not park in local business or medical parking lots. Bring water and shade. Info: https://dphx.org/event/christmas-eve-rosary-for-life-2017/
Vivat Jesus,
Sean E. Halpain
State Deputy
Arizona Knights of Columbus
2875 W. Ray Road, Suite 6-280
Chandler, AZ 85224

Monday, December 18, 2017

Tucson Parade of Lights

Please find attached photos from the Tucson Parade of Lights from Assembly 3617.

This is annual Christmas Parade in Tucson won't say Christmas. Saints Peter & Paul Catholic School once again had an entry in the parade. Principal Roll invited the Fr Anthony Rey Assembly 3617 Color Guard to lead the entry. One of the school's parent owns a 1950's Fire Engine which the students got to ride on. This was a tremendously enjoyable event for the students, the parents, and especially the Knights!

Programs Newsletter - December 2017

Worthy District Deputies and Grand Knights,
Please see this months newsletter  It contains ideas for programs your Councils can undertake as part of Supreme's Domestic Church initiative.  It also contains information about March for Life events coming up in Phoenix and Tucson on January 20, 2018.  Please do not hesitate to contact me for more info or to make suggestions for improvement.

Vivat Jesus!
Lawrence A. Powers
State Program Director
Arizona Knights of Columbus
(702) 827-8135

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Coats for Kids Council 12246

St. Benedict Council 12246 in Phoenix, Arizona, collected over 145 coats for the Coats for Kids program. The council coordinated the effort with two domestic violence shelters to obtain an exact size for each of the children and delivered the coats personalized for each child wrapped in festive Christmas packages.



Members of the Knights of Columbus, St. Benedict Council #12246 passing out Coats for Kids at the Vista Colina Emergency Family Shelter in Phoenix, Arizona.


Members of the Knights of Columbus, St. Benedict Council #12246 passing out Coats for Kids at the Chicanos Por La Causa De Colores Domestic Violence Shelter.


Members of the Knights of Columbus, St. Benedict Council #12246 that helped collect and distribute  over 145 Coats for Kids

L to R: Jay Iole, Alfred Gomez, Patrick Tacderan, Isauro Amaro, Ed Giovannucci and Ron Ellenberger (not pictured, James Chavez)


The Coats for Kids wrapped and waiting for the children at Vista Colina Emergency Family Shelter in Phoenix, Arizona



Wednesday, December 06, 2017

Thanksgiving Bash at Davis Monthan AFB

SKs Bill Neer, Randy Hannon and Alex Wright from Don Hughes Assembly, #2392, with the Chairman of the Tucson Military Affairs Council, Ellen Jiminez at the Annual Thanksgiving Bash at Davis Monthan AFB.

Sir Knights from the Hughes Assembly helped feed 400 airmen at Davis Monthan AFB Thanksgiving Dinner. The Hughes Assembly also donated $500 worth of Honey Baked Hams to this effort.

SKs Wright and Randy Hannon help wrap plastic ware and napkins in preparation for the Annual Thanksgiving Bash at Davis Monthan AFB.

Vet's photo

Fr. Anthony Rey, Assembly 3617 Sir Knights, father and son Bill and Billy Barrett (center) joined Gercke Assembly 16, the mother of Tucson Assemblies, in the Tucson Veterans' Day parade color guard.
   Gercke Assembly also provided a riding trailer for those Sir Knights and their families which could not march.

Fiesta de Tumacacori

#1 Ten Sir Knights, from five Assemblies, celebrated the 51st Fiesta de Tumacacori December 2, escorting Bishop Gerald Kicanas in the procession to Mass at the Tumacacori Mission.

#2 FN Dan Doyle, Duval Assembly 19 in Nogales, has attended all 51 Fiesta de Tumacacori processions as a Knight.
Pictures taken by Marilyn Luehrmann, of the Green Valley photographers club

Thursday, November 30, 2017

2017 Mid Year Meeting

Important information and Registration Packet attached for upcoming Mid-Year Meeting December 1-3, 2017
Hotel Registration Click Here

Please note Registration Date Deadline for Hotel is November 13, 2017 so hurry and make reservation if you need a room. Please call 623-842-0000 for Hotel Reservations. Please say you are with a group: Arizona State Council Knights of Columbus.
Registration Deadline for the Meeting itself is November 18, 2017. To  RSVP or more information, please contact: GK SK Matt Hoffarth hoffiesof5@gmail.com - (623) 910-6588 or Chairman Eddie Haywood – (602) 710-8962
Vivat Jesus!
Rick Garrison
Knights of Columbus
AZ State Executive Secretary

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Black Friday St Vincent de Paul Family Dinner Meal

Brother Knights,

I hope you had a great month of October and all is well with you and your family.  The heat is about to be behind us and cool weather is approaching quickly.  Which should start us to think about the approaching holidays and all we are thankful for.  One of the things we should be thinking about is the poor and needy as well because they need our help.  November and December brings us cool weather and family gatherings and unfortunately, some families are not as fortunate to have the things we have.

On Friday, November 24, 2017 from 3:30 PM - 6:00 PM, we have been asked to help with the evening Family Dinner Meal at Saint Vincent de Paul – Dinning Room, 420 W. Watkins Road, Phoenix, AZ.  Even though the Bible says that the poor will always be with us, we are obligated to help alleviate this problem as much as possible.  Rather than asking for food this time, we am asking you to join us in preparing, serving the evening meal as well as assisting in the Learning Center.  All we are asking you is for two-three hours of your time on the day after Thanksgiving.

All we need is twenty to twenty five (25) people to pitch in on this day to help families in need. Can you help us?  Volunteers need not be Knights of Columbus brothers only; it includes family members and friends over 12 years old. This activity can be counted towards your Council’s Columbian Award and Star Council Award as well. If you have volunteered previously, you do not have to complete the attached Release Form of Liability.  Please use Volunteer ID # 151008.  Please contact us by November 17, 2017, if you can help us.

I like to thank you in advance for your time and commitment.  Bless you my Brothers and look forward in seeing on November 24, 2017.

    *      South of I-17, between 7th Ave. and Central Ave.
    *      Volunteers and Visitors enter from S. 3rd Dr. into the north parking lot.
    *      The entrance to the north parking lot is indicated by 2 pink pillars.

Chet Yancy
KofC – 2017AZ  State Council
Community Director
