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Thursday, November 23, 2017

Black Friday St Vincent de Paul Family Dinner Meal

Brother Knights,

I hope you had a great month of October and all is well with you and your family.  The heat is about to be behind us and cool weather is approaching quickly.  Which should start us to think about the approaching holidays and all we are thankful for.  One of the things we should be thinking about is the poor and needy as well because they need our help.  November and December brings us cool weather and family gatherings and unfortunately, some families are not as fortunate to have the things we have.

On Friday, November 24, 2017 from 3:30 PM - 6:00 PM, we have been asked to help with the evening Family Dinner Meal at Saint Vincent de Paul – Dinning Room, 420 W. Watkins Road, Phoenix, AZ.  Even though the Bible says that the poor will always be with us, we are obligated to help alleviate this problem as much as possible.  Rather than asking for food this time, we am asking you to join us in preparing, serving the evening meal as well as assisting in the Learning Center.  All we are asking you is for two-three hours of your time on the day after Thanksgiving.

All we need is twenty to twenty five (25) people to pitch in on this day to help families in need. Can you help us?  Volunteers need not be Knights of Columbus brothers only; it includes family members and friends over 12 years old. This activity can be counted towards your Council’s Columbian Award and Star Council Award as well. If you have volunteered previously, you do not have to complete the attached Release Form of Liability.  Please use Volunteer ID # 151008.  Please contact us by November 17, 2017, if you can help us.

I like to thank you in advance for your time and commitment.  Bless you my Brothers and look forward in seeing on November 24, 2017.

    *      South of I-17, between 7th Ave. and Central Ave.
    *      Volunteers and Visitors enter from S. 3rd Dr. into the north parking lot.
    *      The entrance to the north parking lot is indicated by 2 pink pillars.

Chet Yancy
KofC – 2017AZ  State Council
Community Director



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