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Monday, April 10, 2017

2017 AZ State Free Throw

The 2017 State Free Throw Tournament was held on March 18th at Norte Dame Prep with much success.  We wish to thank Norte Dame Prep High School for their generosity and use for their gym.  Thanks to St Joseph’s youth camp for providing lunch and drinks for everyone.  There were 24 Districts represented, thanks to you District Deputies for getting the word out and conducting your District Tournament over 194 score sheets were sent in.  Thanks to all of the brother Knights who helped the day of the tournament with registration, scoring and shagging basketballs.  There were 27 Councils who participated in the event, to you Grand Knights and Council Youth Directors, you deserve a great round of thanks for promoting this to your community’s youth.  We had over 97 girls and boys this year.  This program keeps growing with thanks to all who support the KofC youth programs.

Vivat Jesus!

Howard Birnbaum State CO Chairman 
Joe Danko State CO Chairman


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