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Tuesday, February 28, 2017

State Charity Raffle Update #1

Worthy District Deputy and Grand Knights,

  1)  You should all have received your 2017 Charity Raffle Tickets, posters (Eng/Span) and Sales Guides by now.  If you have not, please contact me and I will either track your supply or resend them to you.

  2) Your Raffle Chairman should be well into the implementing your council sales plan.  Please provide me with the name and contact information for your council chairman ASAP.

  3) I have a limited supply of tickets, posters and sales guides still available on a first com-first shipped basis.  Let me know ASAP if you wish to have some of my remaining supply.

  4)  Posters are available on the State Website. FYI the posters are available in standard format as well as an editable format allowing you to post your charity on the poster.

  5) There are 2 versions of the sales guide on the website - an 8 page guide for councils comfortable with the program, and a more extensive 22 page version for councils wishing to review a more comprehensive guide - or perhaps if your chairman is new to the program.

Good Luck and God Bless you for your efforts.  Remember that your charity, your council and the state charities all benefit from your extra efforts.

Vivat Jesus,
Dennis Sullivan
DD #26, State Charity Raffle Director


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