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Monday, July 10, 2017

Fast Start - Membership

As State Deputy Sean Halpain said in his July Message, “One of the pearls of Wisdom that members of the Supreme Membership staff remind us of is that States don’t make Circle of Honor the first 4 months of the year, but they can miss it if those months are not productive.”  The Supreme Knight has instructed all State Deputies to work hard to have a fast start in the first quarter of the new Fraternal Year.  He has given each state a goal to meet which is one more member each month (July, August, and September) than the best achieved in the same month over the past five years.  Our quota for July is 61 members.  We have 6 new members so far in July.  55 to go.

Let’s work hard to have a fast start this year.  Let’s bring those Catholic gentlemen who you just missed recruiting in June, and any other candidates you have been working on into the Order right away. Schedule those Admission Degrees.

Membership growth is a responsibility we all share, and the best way to grow the order is to embrace “Membership 365” – recruiting year-round.  Don’t take the summer off!  Increasing membership in Arizona now, will make the end of the year less stressful, and the new members will be able to enjoy the benefits of membership sooner.  Your councils will enjoy the energy and fresh Ideas these new members will bring as well.

We will be sharing our membership incentives including our “Fast Start” incentive with District Deputies and attendees at the Organizational Meeting this coming weekend, but don’t miss your chance to compete for a cash award for a fast start by waiting until after the Organizational Meeting to get started!  Let’s go out and have a strong first quarter, starting with 61 new members in July!

Vivat Jesus!

Kevin McCarthy
State Membership Director
Arizona State Council
Knights of Columbus
Cell: (602) 684-8125
Supporting Life at Every Stage


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