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Sunday, October 22, 2017

Rosary Celebration

All Knights Should Attend the Arizona Rosary Celebration

Brother Knights the Arizona Rosary Celebration is one of those must attend events. If you’re a Fourth Degree Sir Knight in Regalia, or helping as an Usher, or attending with your family to enjoy this wonderful event, make plans to attend. Come and listen to guest speaker Most Rev. Ricardo Ramirez, C.S.B., Bishop Emeritus of Las Cruces, New Mexico. Celebrate the 42nd year of Arizona's Rosary Celebration tradition.

In Tucson, the celebration is Saturday, October 21, 2017, 10:00 a.m. to 12:15 p.m., at Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church (8650 North Shannon Road, Tucson, AZ 85742). The Most Rev. Gerald F. Kicanas, Bishop of Tucson, will preside. Then on Sunday, October 22, 2017, from 2:00 p.m. until 4:15 p.m., the celebration comes to the Phoenix Convention Center, Halls F and G, 3rd Street and Jefferson. The Most Rev. Eduardo A. Nevares, Auxiliary Bishop of Phoenix presiding. 

This year we honor Mary under Her title, Our Lady of Fatima, marking 100 years since her appearance to three children in Portugal. We are deeply blessed to have the United Nations Pilgrim Virgin Statute of Our Lady of Fatima and the First-Class Relics of Saints Francisco and Jacinta Marto (two of the three children seers). Come and bring your petitions, venerate the relics, pray for peace, pray for the reparation of sins, and pray for the conversion of souls.

Go to www.azrosary.net for more information


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