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Tuesday, October 03, 2017

Blood Drives

Worthy Grand Knights,

I would like to introduce myself.  I am Jim Walsh, the Blood Donor Chairman for the Arizona State Council. 

With the devastating events affecting many people in Texas, Florida and Puerto Rico, among other areas and regions, the earth quake in Mexico and the shootings in Las Vegas last night, blood supplies are severely low.  Those affected by these events are in need of a great many things, including blood...

I am seeking information on the Arizona State Knights of Columbus Councils that host Blood Drives.  Can you please send an email to myself at Jim.Walsh.KofC10540@gmail.com and answer the following questions?
  • What is your Council name and number?
  • With what parish are you connected?
  • Does your Council regularly host blood drives, or does your Council partner with another Council or organization to host regular blood drives?
  • If your Council hosts blood drives, how many drives do you host per year?  What is your typical target unit count?
  • If your Council hosts blood drives, who is the primary organizer of your blood drives?  Can I contact them directly?  What is their email address?
  • Does your parish host blood drives, that your Council is not involved in organizing?
  • If you don't host regular blood drives, would your Council be willing to host and organize a blood drive, in the light of recent events?
  • What can I do to help your Council promote, coordinate or assist in hosting or coordinating Blood Drives?
The main blood collection and disaster relief organizations:

Thank you.

The path to true happiness lies in freely giving of oneself for the benefit of others.
Vivat Jesus!

 ~Jim Walsh
3-Year Trustee
Communications Director
Past Grand Knight
St. Anne Council #10540
Blood Donor Chairman
Arizona State Council
Knights of Columbus


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