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Monday, January 29, 2018

Training Sessions - CANCELLED

Worthy Grand Knights,

The Arizona State Council of the Knights of Columbus strives to give each of us the necessary training and tools we need to make meaningful contributions to our councils and parishes.  Unfortunately, there are times when our intentions are affected by outside influences.  That is the case now.

Our Supreme Regional MPC Patrick Maloney will not be able to travel to Arizona to conduct the scheduled training sessions the week February 5th through February 10th following recent reassignment of MPC jurisdictions by our Supreme Knight.  The four sessions scheduled for next week will need to be rescheduled.

My thanks to all Grand Knights, council officers and everyone involved in securing the facilities and stepping up to host a training session.  As we learn who our new MPC is, and his availability, I will be contacting you in the hopes of securing these facilities again.

Until we can establish a timeframe to reschedule these sessions I hope you continue to take advantage of the Supreme Webinar training sessions that continue to be available through the Supreme website at kofc.org/trainingmicrosite.

Should you have any questions please contact our State Training Coordinator Bob Julien at rajulien@cox.net or 480.707.9246 (c).

Sean E. Halpain
State Deputy
Arizona Knights of Columbus
2875 W Ray Road Suite 6-280
Chandler, AZ 85224
602-617-0730  (c)

Worthy Grand Knights,

I hope that many of you have taken advantage of the Supreme Webinar training sessions that have been presented over this past Fraternal Year. 

To supplement this training the State Council has been exploring topics and dates to provide additional training for our Council Officers.  This in person training is not limited to just officers, any member that is interested is welcome to attend.

State Training Coordinator FDD Bob Julien has worked with Supreme to have our Supreme Membership and Program Consultant, Pat Maloney, schedule four training sessions during the week of February 5th – 10th

In response to requests from our membership to offer training at locations other than central Phoenix, Bob has arranged for these sessions to be held in Scottsdale, Globe, Tucson (TBD) and Show Low.  We will continue to make training sessions available throughout out State.

These sessions will be presented by our MPC, who is a Past State Deputy from Washington and been involved with conduction many training sessions over the years.  Pat was in Arizona last fall and held sessions about recruiting and retention.

The primary topic for these sessions will be Building the Domestic Church.  Other topics will be covered as requested by the sessions audience.

It will help a great deal if you send a message to the Point of Contact (POC) for the location you plan to attend so the host Council knows how many members to expect.  Please copy Bob Julien as well on you message.

Bob Julien's contact information is rajulien@cox.net or 480-707-9246.

Monday February 5, 2018
St. Patrick Catholic Community
10815 N. 84th St, Scottsdale, AZ 85260
Classroom: Luke

POC: Bob Julien FinSec., St. Patrick Council 12449, rajulien@cox.net (480) 707-9246 (cell).

Specifics for the facility/session are;
a)      Check in at 6:45 PM
b)      Training begin at 7:00 PM
c)      Training end at approximately 9:00 PM 

Tuesday February 6, 2018
Old Knights of Columbus Hall
East Hwy 70, Globe, AZ

POC: Frederick Madrid GK, Fr. Virgil Genevier Council 1158, (928) 812-1084 (cell).
Specifics for the facility/session are;
a)      Check in 6:15 PM
b)      Training begin at 6:30 PM
c)      Training end at approximately 8:30 PM

Thursday February 8, 2018
Holy Family Catholic Church
338 W. University Blvd
Tucson, AZ 85705
(enter from north parking lot through door on right.  Meeting in basement)

POC: Peter Karculias – Tucson Chapter Secretary  skpeter@cox.net   520-261-0762    
Specifics for the facility/session are;
a)      Check in 6:45 PM
b)      Training begin at 7:00 PM
c)      Training end at approximately 9:00 PM

Saturday February 10, 2018
St. Rita Catholic Church
1400 E Owens, Show Low, AZ 85901

POC: John Spadaccini DD#21, Fr. Virgil Genevier Council 1158, (928) 812-1084 (cell).
Specifics for the facility/session are;
a)    9:00 AM - Mass (Knights & Wives) - Celebrant Fr. Dan Kassis
b)    9:30 AM - Coffee and Pastry
c)     10:00 AM - "Building the Domestic Church - While Strengthening Our Parish" training by Patrick M. Maloney, Membership Program Consultant - Fraternal Mission, Supreme Council - Knights of Columbus (Knights and Wives)
d)    11:00 AM - District 21 Meeting (Knights)
e)    11:00 AM - Women's Program (In Development)
f)      12:30 PM Potluck Lunch

Registration for Saturday February 10, 2018 is request online

I strongly encourage you to attend or send as many Council officers and/or members to one of these training sessions.  The Host Councils are working on having some lights snacks and drinks available.

Phoenix Area Financial Secretary & Faithful Comptroller Training

Saturday February 24, 2018
Fray Francisco Garces Hall - Council 3855
8066 N. 49th Ave. Glendale, AZ
9: 00 AM to Noon.
Contact Supreme FS Trainer :Peter Karculias with names and for more information


Robert (Bob) Julien, PGK, PFN, FDD
2017-2018 Arizona State Training Coordinator
480.860.0720 (home)
480.707.9246 (mobile)

Fast Start Winners!

Brothers All,
As part of our Star Recruiter Program, we have awards for those District Deputies and Councils that recruit one member more than their Intake Goal by December 31, 2017.   Winners receive a prize package of 17,000 VIP Points, 2 tickets to the State Convention Awards Banquet, the Fast Start Arizona Star Recruiter Council or District Award, and special recognition in the State Convention Program Book.
I am pleased to announce the following winners!
Fast Start Arizona Star Recruiter Council Award Winners:     Council #13779, Gilbert with 200% of Goal
    Council #12246, Chandler with 133% of Goal
    Council #14101, Queen Creek with 125% of Goal
    Council 14121, Tucson with 125% of Goal
Fast Start Arizona Star Recruiter District Award Winner:     District Deputy Roger Molieri District Deputy #27 with 134% of his District Goal
While the following Councils did not recruit at least one more than their Intake Goal, they did reach 100% of goal by December 31, and we wish to recognize their efforts.
Honorable Mention (For reaching 100% of Goal):    Council #7465, Phoenix
    Council #11855, Tucson
    Council #16277, Chandler
    Council #16776, Phoenix
While we had a noticeable fall-off in December recruiting, so far in January we’re comparable to previous years and due to our strong November, we remain 11 members ahead of this time last year.  Let’s keep up the good work.
Kevin McCarthy
State Membership Director
Arizona State Council
Knights of Columbus
Cell: (602) 684-8125
Supporting Life at Every Stage

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Training Sites Request!!!

Worthy DD’s,
This is my second request.  Please reach out to your Grand Knights we need a facility in Tucson to host this training session by Supreme.

Our regional MPC Patrick Maloney will be in Arizona the week of February 5th.  More specifically in Tucson on February 8th.  He desires to conduct a training session covering topic of Building the Domestic Church initiative.  Open to other topics including “Revitalizing Our Council”.

The facility needs are;
Date                                    February 8, 2018
Location                             TBD
Contact                               TBD
Set-up                                 6:45PM
Start Time                          7:00PM
Duration                             1 ½ to 2 hrs
Needs                                  Electrical connectivity for PC, Screen/Blank wall for display
Refreshments                    Like - water, coffee, soda, cookies

Your assistance in locating a training facility is greatly appreciated.

Should you have any specific questions please let me know.

Robert (Bob) Julien, PGK, PFN, FDD
2017-2018 Arizona State Training Coordinator
9028 E. Corrine Dr.
Scottsdale, AZ 85260
480.860.0720 (home)
480.707.9246 (mobile)

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Fast Start Membership

Brothers All,
As part of our Star Recruiter Program, we have awards for those District Deputies and Councils that recruit one member more than their Intake Goal by December 31, 2017.   Winners receive a prize package of 17,000 VIP Points, 2 tickets to the State Convention Awards Banquet, the Fast Start Arizona Star Recruiter Council or District Award, and special recognition in the State Convention Program Book.
I am pleased to announce the following winners!
Fast Start Arizona Star Recruiter Council Award Winners:     Council #13779, Gilbert with 200% of Goal
    Council #12246, Chandler with 133% of Goal
    Council #14101, Queen Creek with 125% of Goal
    Council 14121, Tucson with 125% of Goal
Fast Start Arizona Star Recruiter District Award Winner:     District Deputy Roger Molieri District Deputy #27 with 134% of his District Goal
While the following Councils did not recruit at least one more than their Intake Goal, they did reach 100% of goal by December 31, and we wish to recognize their efforts.
Honorable Mention (For reaching 100% of Goal):    Council #7465, Phoenix
    Council #11855, Tucson
    Council #16277, Chandler
    Council #16776, Phoenix
While we had a noticeable fall-off in December recruiting, so far in January we're comparable to previous years and due to our strong November, we remain 11 members ahead of this time last year.  Let's keep up the good work.
Kevin McCarthy
State Membership Director
Arizona State Council
Knights of Columbus
Cell: (602) 684-8125
Supporting Life at Every Stage

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

2017-2018 Charity Raffle

Worthy DDs and GKs,
Happy New Year!!!  I hope you  had a great Christmas season and are enjoying the start of 2018.  At the recent mid-year organization meeting, the Worthy State Deputy authorized Richard Armanini and I to contact each GK personally (by phone) to ensure that they had received an adequate supply of raffle tickets, posters and sales guides for their council charity raffle campaign.  As you know, our goal this year is $355,000 and this can only be achieved if councils start their campaign early and have the needed supplies on hand when needed.
We will also take the opportunity to see if any council or district would like us to come and hold a strategy session - either personally or via video conference.
We plan to begin making these call starting February 1st through the 15th. 

Vivat Jesus,
Dennis P. Sullivan                                     Richard Armanini
AZ State Charity Director                           Co-Director
e-mail: denpsulli@aol.com                        REArmani@gmail.com
480-201-5556                                          480-818-1774

English Poster
English Poster - PDF
English Poster - Space on Bottom - PDF

If you do not have the raffle material, contact your District Deputy. 

Friday, January 12, 2018

Priest Appreciation Dinner - Phoenix

The Phoenix Diocese Priest Appreciation Dinner is fast approaching.  It will take place on February 9, 2018.  The attached invitation has been sent to all District Deputy's, Grand Knights and Faithful Navigators in the Phoenix Diocese.
Separate invitations have also been mailed to almost 300 Priest who live and work within the Phoenix Diocese. We would like to ask your help in making sure that these invitations have been received by the Priest in your Parish, your Council Chaplain, your Faithful Frier and and another priest you know in the Phoenix Diocese. Be sure they are invited and please let us know if they plan to attend.  It would also be a great idea if you invited and paid for your Deacons as well.
We are encouraging every Knight that attends to try and sponsor a Priest as well.  Remember almost
half the priest that are invited do not have an assigned Parish or an affiliation with a Council or Assembly. They need sponsorship as well.   
Please get these message to your Brother Knights  and RSVP as soon as possible with the Names of the Knights who plan to attend, as well as the number of Priest your knights,  councils and assemblies would like to sponsor.
Thank you. 
Vivat Jesus!

Rick Garrison
Knights of Columbus
AZ State Executive Secretary
SS Simon & Jude Cathedral Council 12708
Phone: 480-522-7064

January Programs Newsletter

Please see this months newsletter  It contains ideas for programs your Councils can undertake as part of Supreme's Domestic Church initiative.  It also contains information about the State Free Throw Championship and the  March for Life events coming up in Phoenix and Tucson on January 20, 2018.  Please do not hesitate to contact me for more info or to make suggestions for improvement.

Vivat Jesus!
Lawrence A. Powers
State Program Director
Arizona Knights of Columbus
(702) 827-8135

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Christmas Parade!

Fr. Douglas J. Nohava Council 1229. 
Our Fourth Degree color corps was in this years annual Winslow Christmas Parade. This Year’s Christmas party was a hit, especially because Santa Clause came to visit the children.
Also, our hard working Knights repainted the Hope Pregnancy Resource Center. We are looking forward to 2018 so we can further serve our Parish and Community!
Vivat Jesus!

Tuesday, January 02, 2018

Priest Appreciation Dinner - Tucson

December 20, 2017

Dear Worthy Grand Knight,

You are cordially invited to the “Annual Priest Appreciation Dinner” for the Diocese of Tucson. The Chief Judge John M. Roll Chapter of the Knights of Columbus will be sponsoring this event on Tuesday, February 6, 2018. The event this year is being held at Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Church, Parish Hall, 8650 N. Shannon Road, Tucson, Arizona 85742 and hosted by Roy Champeau Council 8077.
There will be a social hour beginning at 6:00 pm and dinner will be served at 7:00 pm.  All Priests are guests of the Knights of Columbus for this special dinner. The dinner will be a choice of roast beef or eggplant parmesan with various side dishes, dessert and coffee. If you have any special dietary needs, please let us know so that we can accommodate those needs. Tickets for the dinner are $25.

Please confirm your reservation with Roy Champeau Council by calling Jeffrey Schneider at 520-419-4130 or emailing him at bronte1@mindspring.com.

His Excellency Edward J. Weisenburger, Bishop of the Diocese of Tucson, is scheduled to be in attendance as are the State of Arizona Officers of the Knights of Columbus.

We have enclosed a tally sheet from the Roy Champeau Council containing more information regarding the dinner and menu. Please return the tally sheet and funds by Thursday February 1, 2018 so the proper arrangements for food can be made. You can also reserve and pay by credit card on the chapter web site at http://www.tucsonknights.com.

We look forward to you joining us for an evening of fraternity and brotherhood.


Jeff Morgan
Chapter President

Knights of Columbus   

Monday, January 01, 2018

State Deputy Message - January 2018

January 1, 2018


Happy New Year!

It is hard to believe but we are at the half way point of this Fraternal Year.  Just as many people reflect on the past year and plan for the next over New Year’s I also have some thoughts.

In Programs, our State General Program Director has started his monthly newsletters to bring attention to programs at the State level and to help Councils plan and conduct their programs.  Have you read these newsletters?  Please share them with your Council members.  By being active in Building the Domestic Church we will be reminded of our roots as Knights of Columbus brothers and the responsibility we accepted to work with our Bishops and Priests as the “go to” lay ministers of the Parishes. 

Do you have your plans in place for Programs for the next 6 months?  Keep in mind, your SP-7 can be submitted any time after April 1, 2018 if you have your 4 programs in each of the 6 areas completed.  Don’t be that guy; the Council that does all the work and forgets to get the form turned in before the deadline.

As a State, we are just above 40% of our goal for new members.  Historically Supreme looks at this benchmark to see if States are on track to achieve Circle of Honor for their members. We are! 

November was great in terms of bringing in new members.  Much of this is related to our October Church and Membership Drives.  They do work.  We have learned that for them to work we may need to conduct them a little different than what was done in the past.  We have another opportunity with our March Church Drives.  Have you ordered you kits yet? Don’t rely on your DD to provide his emergency kit for you. 

How is your Council progressing at earning Star Council Award?  Do you have your programs planned, your membership drives set, your events secheduled with the Parish and Pastor?  Is the Insurance Agency supporting you more than in prior years?  Do you encourage Brothers to make an appointment with a Field Agent?

I, along with our State Officers, have been presenting the 30 Star Council Awards at Parish Masses and Council events.  When presenting at a Mass, most often the Pastor follows my talk with his comments about the work and dedication of the Knights to that Parish Community.  What a great recruiting moment. 

If you look at your Fraternal Leader Success Planner for January, you will see that the Supreme Program Spotlight is the Ultrasound Initiative.  Arizona is not to be left out.  At the State Mid-year meeting in December I announced the start of a 2-year drive to raise funds for a new Ultrasound machine for one of our Arizona Pregnancy centers.  We will reveal the target center soon.  I am asking each Council and Assembly to donate $300 over the next two years to this cause.  Along with matching funds from Supreme this will allow us to purchase an Ultrasound machine and possibly have some funds left to provide repair and upgrade to others we have placed in the past.  Donations will be to the Arizona Knights of Columbus Charity Inc, a 501c3 entity.

Any day you will be sending out your Council Per Capita dues notices, along with receiving the Per Capita billings from Supreme and the State.  If you have any questions about either the Supreme or State billings contact your District Deputy for assistance. 

Over the next two months there will be at least 3 different Priest Appreciation Dinners in the state.  Already Tucson, Phoenix, and Yuma are scheduled.  I cannot emphasize how important it is that we attend these dinners to show our Priests and Bishops the support of the Knights of Columbus.  I ask you to sponsor your Priests so that the hosts don’t foot this expense themselves.

Do you know of a Veteran, or Brother Knight that needs a wheelchair?  A few years ago, you were very generous in donating funds so that we could purchase an entire ocean container of wheelchairs.  Many are now in use, but we still have a large number is storage.  Your efforts and these wheelchairs are going to waste with them sitting in a warehouse.  Contact me directly to make arrangements to pick one up for a needy person. 

Be on the lookout for more information about E-Membership.  Arizona went Live on October 16, 2017 and so far, we are exceeding original expectations.  We are a little surprised by the members that are using this method to join us, but we are excited about the program.

Finally, I ask that each Council or Assembly recite the Leaders Prayer that we have used for our State Prayer over the last two years.  The Prayer has an important message.  Regrettably I have heard more reports about brother Knights that may have forgotten or missed the message so now will be a good time to reflect on this prayer.  I have included a copy in case you did not get one of the printed versions.

Let’s renew our energy as we go forward the next 6 months to make this the best year for your Councils and for the Arizona Knights of Columbus.

Vivat Jesus,
Sean Halpain
State Deputy