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Thursday, January 25, 2018

Training Sites Request!!!

Worthy DD’s,
This is my second request.  Please reach out to your Grand Knights we need a facility in Tucson to host this training session by Supreme.

Our regional MPC Patrick Maloney will be in Arizona the week of February 5th.  More specifically in Tucson on February 8th.  He desires to conduct a training session covering topic of Building the Domestic Church initiative.  Open to other topics including “Revitalizing Our Council”.

The facility needs are;
Date                                    February 8, 2018
Location                             TBD
Contact                               TBD
Set-up                                 6:45PM
Start Time                          7:00PM
Duration                             1 ½ to 2 hrs
Needs                                  Electrical connectivity for PC, Screen/Blank wall for display
Refreshments                    Like - water, coffee, soda, cookies

Your assistance in locating a training facility is greatly appreciated.

Should you have any specific questions please let me know.

Robert (Bob) Julien, PGK, PFN, FDD
2017-2018 Arizona State Training Coordinator
9028 E. Corrine Dr.
Scottsdale, AZ 85260
480.860.0720 (home)
480.707.9246 (mobile)


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