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Wednesday, January 17, 2018

2017-2018 Charity Raffle

Worthy DDs and GKs,
Happy New Year!!!  I hope you  had a great Christmas season and are enjoying the start of 2018.  At the recent mid-year organization meeting, the Worthy State Deputy authorized Richard Armanini and I to contact each GK personally (by phone) to ensure that they had received an adequate supply of raffle tickets, posters and sales guides for their council charity raffle campaign.  As you know, our goal this year is $355,000 and this can only be achieved if councils start their campaign early and have the needed supplies on hand when needed.
We will also take the opportunity to see if any council or district would like us to come and hold a strategy session - either personally or via video conference.
We plan to begin making these call starting February 1st through the 15th. 

Vivat Jesus,
Dennis P. Sullivan                                     Richard Armanini
AZ State Charity Director                           Co-Director
e-mail: denpsulli@aol.com                        REArmani@gmail.com
480-201-5556                                          480-818-1774

English Poster
English Poster - PDF
English Poster - Space on Bottom - PDF

If you do not have the raffle material, contact your District Deputy. 


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