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Monday, March 26, 2018

Membership Memo - March 2018

Greetings Brothers
I want to thank you and your councils for the hard work you have been putting into recruiting new members to the Order. At the end of February, we had recruited 562 new members which put us 45 new members ahead of last year at the same time.  As of March 23, we recruited an additional 64 new Brother Knights.  We recruited 109 members in March last year so we still have a ways to go.  We still need 324 new members to make our Circle of Honor goal by the end of the year.  All councils should be conducting Spring Membership Drives.  We need a very strong Spring recruitment season to keep on track. If your councils did not hold a membership drive in March, encourage them to do so in April.
Attached is the latest "Road to Stardom" dashboard.  Remember, in addition to members, we need to grow the Order in Insurance and make our impact in Programs.  Combined with Membership growth, Insurance growth and Programs are needed to reach our Circle of Honor goal of 30 Star Councils.  5 Councils have reached their Membership and Insurance goals.  14 more have reached membership goals but need insurance numbers, 8 have reached Insurance and not yet Membership.  Don't forget, Field agents are a powerful resource for membership growth.  Work with them!
We keep growing and our position in the Order is impressive!

% of Goal
Position =
out of 74

% of Goal
Position =
out of 74

% of Goal
Position =
out of 74

Congratulate your councils that have reached (or almost reached) their goals and encourage them to continue working hard toward Star Council!  Don't let a council miss Star or the Columbian Award by having them fail to submit a complete Form SP-7 or any other required forms!  This also includes the required Supreme Safe Environment training for the Grand Knight and Youth Director. (Council Safe environment compliance as of 3/15 is shown on the attached Road to Stardom dashboard.)  It's almost time to start getting those SP-7 forms submitted, so make sure councils start gathering the information.  Forms are tracked on the Road to Stardom Sheet as well.
Remind each council that there are many incentives/contests going on in the state. In addition to the Star Recruiter Membership Promotion, we have two additional contests. 
The first contest is for the month of March. The State Council, in association with the Arizona Knights of Columbus Charity Inc, is a sponsor of the Annual Phoenix Diocese Golf for Vocations tournament being held at the Legacy Golf Club in Phoenix on April 12, 2018. For every member that joins, the Sponsor listed on the Form 100 will be placed in a drawing to be on Team AZ Knights at the event. Any member that recruits 4 or more men to join in March will be an automatic winner.   
The second contest runs for the months of February, March, and April. For every member that joins, the sponsor listed on the Form 100 will be placed in a drawing for one of 10 Leatherman Wingman Multi-Tools, which will be engraved with the sponsor's name. For each member a sponsor recruits his name goes into the drawing. Recruit 3 men and you have 3 chances to win.
All our membership promotions that reward sponsors are based on Supreme's records and require that the Sponsor's name and membership number be legibly recorded on the form 100!  Many form 100s do not have Sponsors listed so those men are not getting credit for our incentives.
Worthy DDs, please share the contents of this Membership Memo with your assigned councils.
Brothers, each of us as a leader in the Arizona Jurisdiction have a key role and responsibility to grow the Order in Arizona and reach our goal of Circle of Honor.  Keep up the good work, and we can make it!

Kevin McCarthy
State Membership Director
Arizona State Council
Knights of Columbus
Cell: (602) 684-8125
Supporting Life at Every Stage

Saturday, March 17, 2018

St Patrick's Day Parade - Tucson

2018 St. Patrick's Day Parade in Tucson
The Fr. Anthony Rey Assembly 3617 led the Saints Peter & Paul Catholic School parade entry. School students rode on a 1954 Fire Engine while parents and sibling marched behind. Six Sir Knights provided a Color Guard for the entry.

Vivat Jesus,

Bill, CCC Assembly 3617

Monday, March 12, 2018

Programs Newsletter - March 2018

Saturday, March 10, 2018

State Free Throw Championship

Some pictures from the State Free Throw Championship at Bishop Salpointe High School in Tucson.

Thursday, March 08, 2018



Come Cheer for our District and Council Champions! 
DATE: March 10, 2018, PLACE: Salpoint Catholic High School 
1545 E Copper Street Tucson, AZ. 85710 
TIME: Sign-in is between 8:30 – 9:30 a.m. Start time 9:45 a.m. 
Award Ceremony will be immediately after the event. 
Lunch will be offered by St. Joseph’s Youth Camp 
Host Council 
Ave Maria #9380

Monday, March 05, 2018

State Deputy Message - March 2018

March 5, 2018

Ready, Set, Recruit!

March is the second of our dedicated Membership Drive months.  We all know that recruiting is 365 days of the year but each October and March we make special efforts to schedule with our Councils and Parishes to conduct Church and Membership Drives.

Last November we realized a very large increase in membership.  I believe that much of this gain came about because of our efforts during our October Membership Drives.  If you have not already planned your drive, it is not too late.  Contact you Parish as soon as possible to make plans to conduct a Membership Drive.  For those that might say “We tried Church Drives and they don’t work” I have only one response.  The Church Drive just didn’t work the way you tried.  Do it differently.  If you need ideas contact your District Deputy, your State Membership Team or your State Officers.  If necessary, use E-Membership to get men to Join and then transfer them to your Council when the complete their Admissions Degree. You still get credit for a new member.

Why recruit.  Is it just about the numbers?  Yes, it is about the numbers.  It is about having more Catholic men join us in support of our Bishops and Priests.  It is about having more Catholic men becoming the Leaders of their Domestic Churches.  It is about proving opportunities for Catholic men to bring their families the protection of our benefit programs.  It is about standing beside Catholic men as we step Into the Breach for our faith and church.

The frosting on the cake are the several incentive programs we have going on for those that recruit a new member.  We have incentive programs for Councils, Individuals, and District Deputies.  The Star Recruiter program is still going and for any that recruit a new member Supreme still has the drawing for 10 members to go the World Meeting of the Families in Ireland.

How are your programs going?  Will you have 4 activities in each of the areas of Church, Council, Community, Youth, Culture of Life and Family?  Need ideas, check State Program Director Larry Power’s monthly messages about programs.  Contact Larry or any of the Directors listed in your State Directory for ideas and assistance. 

Councils, and the State, are down to our last 4 months to make that push for Star Council and Circle of Honor awards.  Nate Raso and the Field Agents from the Raso Agency are working very hard to protect your families.  As leaders and members, you cannot rely on the Field Agents alone to get you your Insurance members.  Each Grand Knight has the responsibility to promote our Fraternal Benefits to the members of their Councils. Other Council, District, and State Officers have this same responsibility.

As you all must know by now, Supreme has become very serious about the Knights of Columbus supporting our Bishops in providing a Safe Environment in our Churches and at our activities.  Grand Knights and Youth Directors are required to not only meet their Diocesan Safe Environment standards but also complete the Supreme program.  State Advocate Luigi Baratta has been reminding many that compliance is a two-part course.  Many have completed one part and thought they were finished only to find out they were only half done.  Don’t be that guy that prevents your Council from their Star Council Award because you did not fulfill these requirements.  Contact Luigi if you have any questions.

State Convention will be here before you know it.  May is only 2 months away. State Secretary Tom Kalisz has been contacting Councils about their unpaid State Per Capita.  Supreme has been also contacting Councils if they are not current on their Supreme Per Capita.  We want every Council to be represented at the State Convention, so I ask you to review your accounts and become current.

But, four months is enough time to turn around your year.  Has this been a slow recruiting year?  Not many programs?  Too many negative comments at meetings? Are you part of the problem or will you become part of the solution?  Set aside your personal agendas and grow our Order so we can regain, in every Parish, the honor of being the strong right arm of the Church.

I had the privilege to be at the closing event for a Women’s Cursillo in Phoenix last month.  When asked about her experience one of the ladies said what she learned from the Holy Spirit is to “Serve without Reserve”.  Shouldn’t this be our mindset? 

For members that want to move up in our Order, remember that Council elections are coming in May.  Let others know you want to serve in this manner. If you are an Officer that has held office for many years, it might be a good time to step aside and become a mentor to a new generation of leaders.  Share with them you experience, both good and bad, and enjoy the joy of watching them as they develop as the next Leaders.  Yes, they will make mistakes.  I made mistakes on my path to State Deputy and still make some just as many of you have.  Don’t let that prevent you from supporting them as they grow as our new leaders.

Finally, Brenda and I wish each of you a wonderful Lent as we anticipate the celebration of the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Vivat Jesus,
Sean Halpain
Arizona State Deputy