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Monday, March 26, 2018

Membership Memo - March 2018

Greetings Brothers
I want to thank you and your councils for the hard work you have been putting into recruiting new members to the Order. At the end of February, we had recruited 562 new members which put us 45 new members ahead of last year at the same time.  As of March 23, we recruited an additional 64 new Brother Knights.  We recruited 109 members in March last year so we still have a ways to go.  We still need 324 new members to make our Circle of Honor goal by the end of the year.  All councils should be conducting Spring Membership Drives.  We need a very strong Spring recruitment season to keep on track. If your councils did not hold a membership drive in March, encourage them to do so in April.
Attached is the latest "Road to Stardom" dashboard.  Remember, in addition to members, we need to grow the Order in Insurance and make our impact in Programs.  Combined with Membership growth, Insurance growth and Programs are needed to reach our Circle of Honor goal of 30 Star Councils.  5 Councils have reached their Membership and Insurance goals.  14 more have reached membership goals but need insurance numbers, 8 have reached Insurance and not yet Membership.  Don't forget, Field agents are a powerful resource for membership growth.  Work with them!
We keep growing and our position in the Order is impressive!

% of Goal
Position =
out of 74

% of Goal
Position =
out of 74

% of Goal
Position =
out of 74

Congratulate your councils that have reached (or almost reached) their goals and encourage them to continue working hard toward Star Council!  Don't let a council miss Star or the Columbian Award by having them fail to submit a complete Form SP-7 or any other required forms!  This also includes the required Supreme Safe Environment training for the Grand Knight and Youth Director. (Council Safe environment compliance as of 3/15 is shown on the attached Road to Stardom dashboard.)  It's almost time to start getting those SP-7 forms submitted, so make sure councils start gathering the information.  Forms are tracked on the Road to Stardom Sheet as well.
Remind each council that there are many incentives/contests going on in the state. In addition to the Star Recruiter Membership Promotion, we have two additional contests. 
The first contest is for the month of March. The State Council, in association with the Arizona Knights of Columbus Charity Inc, is a sponsor of the Annual Phoenix Diocese Golf for Vocations tournament being held at the Legacy Golf Club in Phoenix on April 12, 2018. For every member that joins, the Sponsor listed on the Form 100 will be placed in a drawing to be on Team AZ Knights at the event. Any member that recruits 4 or more men to join in March will be an automatic winner.   
The second contest runs for the months of February, March, and April. For every member that joins, the sponsor listed on the Form 100 will be placed in a drawing for one of 10 Leatherman Wingman Multi-Tools, which will be engraved with the sponsor's name. For each member a sponsor recruits his name goes into the drawing. Recruit 3 men and you have 3 chances to win.
All our membership promotions that reward sponsors are based on Supreme's records and require that the Sponsor's name and membership number be legibly recorded on the form 100!  Many form 100s do not have Sponsors listed so those men are not getting credit for our incentives.
Worthy DDs, please share the contents of this Membership Memo with your assigned councils.
Brothers, each of us as a leader in the Arizona Jurisdiction have a key role and responsibility to grow the Order in Arizona and reach our goal of Circle of Honor.  Keep up the good work, and we can make it!

Kevin McCarthy
State Membership Director
Arizona State Council
Knights of Columbus
Cell: (602) 684-8125
Supporting Life at Every Stage


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