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Sunday, April 01, 2018

State Deputy Message - April 2018

April 2018

Arizona State Council
Knights of Columbus
Office of State Deputy

Worthy Grand Knights and Brothers,

How did your March Church / Membership Drives go?  Do you have Admissions Degrees scheduled to bring in those men that expressed interest in joining you in the most significant Catholic Lay organization in the World?

If you were not able to conduct a Church Drive have you updated your bulletin announcements to include an invitation to join?  Many Church Bulletins have a message from the Knights close to this. Call GK. xxxx at (phone number) if you want to join the Knights of Columbus”

Not very inspiring is it?  How about changing the announcement and list one or two reasons for them to join?  Be creative. Example “Wanted.  Men, especially young men and married men just starting their families. We have programs to help you be a better Catholic, husband, father.  Let us tell you more. My name is --- , my phone number is xxx., and I am a Knight of Columbus

April numbers are slightly lower than expected after our March drives. Check with your Financial Secretary to be sure those Form 100s are sent in as soon as the member completes his Degree.

Have guys that are interested but not ready to fully commit? Point them to
E-Membership (www.kofc.org/joinus). They can become Knights of Columbus members and learn as they go.  Just ask them to include your Council number or Parish so we can get you their information to follow up.

Now is the time to finish up those programs and begin to submit your paperwork for Supreme and State Awards. We still have incentive programs going that could earn you or your Council gifts and awards.

Busy on Tuesday April 24th?  If you are not attending our MPC Training session in Green Valley then you are free to attend the Supreme Training Webinar, Fishing is like Recruiting. Supreme has made it easy to sign up. Visit www.kofc.org/webinar  or use the shortened link https://conta.cc/2J07cHr. There will be something in this meeting that will help you finish the year strong.  Don’t wait until next year.  Get

those members in now so they are comfortable once your fall programs begin.  Check the State Website for other training dates and locations.

Speaking of programs, after nearly 50 years our famous Surge with Service Program model is being retired. Beginning July 1, 2018 our new program model will be Faith in Action. The exciting news is that instead of needing 4 programs in each of 6 areas, for a total of 24, you will now need only 4 programs in the 4 new areas to earn the Columbian Award.

More information will follow but next years Grand Knights will need to fill the following positions: Faith Director, Family Director, Community Director, and Life Director.  You will no longer need a Council or Youth Director.  These programs will be brought in under one of the new groups.

I would like to close by congratulating the winners of our March Membership drive. These men were drawn from among all that recruited a member in March to participate on the Arizona State Council golf team at the Golf for Vocations event April 12th.
Chris Moore, Council 10799 led the way with 4 members recruited. Also selected were Len Rheaume (11738). Raul Chavez (3855) and Thomas Pickard (9485), and Jack Swartz (15001).

We still have almost 2 ½ months left this year to complete our programs and achieve our goals. Make plans now to have a Supreme Award presented to your Council at a Mass in your Parish and work toward that goal.  It is a fantastic feeling to have your fellow parishioners come up to you after Mass and congratulate you and admit they never realized how much the Knights do in their church.

Vivat Jesus,

Sean Halpain State Deputy


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