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Monday, April 30, 2018

Raffle 2018

Worthy DDs and GKs,
   The state charity raffle is heading down the final stretch.  Please continue to promote the sales of the raffle tickets as a review of successful councils show the best results actually come in the final 2 - 3 weeks as potential ticket buyers see the close approaching deadline for participation.  Remember to sell the virtues of the charity you are supporting and then the possible cash winnings.  The charity is the appeal more so than the cash prizes.  
A limited supply of tickets are still available on a first come first serve basis - hurry as the supply is limited and time is running out! Contact me via email, text or call me as I can usually ship the tickets the same day- but no later than the next day.

A few reminders:  
1) A council check made out to the "AZ Knights of Columbus Charities, Inc" for the total dollar amount of your council sales must accompany your completed forms and tickets. NO CASH and NO PERSONAL CHECKS!
2) All tickets must be separated and have the council number stamped or written on the back of the ticket.
3) All charities must be approved 501(c)3 organizations. If new this year, documentation of 501(C)3 status must be provided.
4) Tickets, check and report forms must be turned in no later than 12:00 PM, Saturday May 19th, at the state convention.
5) If no one from your council is attending the convention, you must make arrangements to get your tickets, check and report turned in by a neighboring council or as a last resort, mail your tickets, report and check to me TO BE RECEIVED NO LATER THAN TUESDAY 5/15.  My address is Dennis Sullivan, 16832 S. 1st Drive, Phoenix, AZ 85045-0722.
Dennis P. Sullivan 
AZ K of C State Charity Raffle Director

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Run for the Fallen - Mammoth


#1 Nearly 20 Sir Knights from AZ South gathered in Mammoth, AZ to support and encourage the trans-continental "Run for the Fallen" project.


#2 Sir Knights from five Assemblies in AZ South prepare to honor "20,000 fallen, four months, 6,000 miles."  


#3 Run for the Fallen team enters Mammoth, AZ on Hwy 77. See www.runforthefallen.org to contribute.


#4  The Knights of Columbus Patriotic Degree joined the American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Elks, Mammoth Lions Club, local Fire Departments and junior wrestlers, along with local residents, to honor those fallen in the War on Terrorism.


#5  "This is the greatest reception we've had since we started in California," George Lutz, Run for the Fallen coordinator, said at closing ceremonies in Mammoth.  


Friday, April 20, 2018

2018 Arizona State Convention Dress Code


Friday, May

10:00AM to 8:00PM

Mass, Meeting,
& Dinner

State Officers
District Deputies
State Directors & Presenters
MASS & MEETING-Suit & Tie or Jacket, Slacks, & Tie.
Name Badge and Jewel of Office for the Meetings and
DINNER ONLY- We are having a Sports Theme dinner! Come dressed in your favorite sports team attire.

Delegates & Brother Knights

MASS & MEETING-Council  Shirt,
DINNER ONLY- We are having a Sports Theme dinner!  Come dressed in your favorite sports team attire. (No shorts or sandals.)
8:30PM to ??
Casual. Shorts are okay.

Saturday, May 19

8:15AM to 4:30PM

Rosary & Meeting
State Officers
District Deputies
State Directors & Presenters

Suit & Tie or Jacket, Slacks, & Tie. Name Badge and Jewel of Office for the Meetings
Delegates & Brother Knights
Council Shirt, Slacks.
(No shorts or sandals.)

5:00PM to 9:30PM

Mass & Dinner

State Officers
White Dinner Jacket Tux
Name Badge and Jewel of Office

District Deputies
State Directors & Presenters
Delegates & Brother Knights
Suit & Tie or Jacket, Slacks, & Tie
Name Badge and Jewel of Office (Optional: Dinner Jacket Tux (White or Black)) (No shorts or sandals.)

Delegates & Brother Knights
Suit & Tie or Jacket, Slacks, & Tie (Optional: Dinner Jacket Tux (White or Black)) (No shorts or sandals.)
9:30PM to ??
Casual. Shorts are okay.


Friday, May

10:00AM to 11:00AM

State Officers
District Deputies                 State Directors & Presenters Delegates & Brother Knights
Sunday Mass Attire

5:00PM to 8:00PM

State Officers
District Deputies
State Directors & Presenters
Delegates & Brother Knights
We are having a Sports Theme dinner! Come dressed in your favorite sports team attire.
Or Sunday  Dress or Pant Suit
8:00PM to ??
Casual. Shorts are okay.

Saturday, May 19

8:00AM to 9:00AM

State Officers
District Deputies
Delegates & Brother Knights

Business casual (i.e., capri’s, dress slacks, summer dress)

11:30AM to 2:00PM
Ladies' Luncheon
State Officers
District Deputies
Delegates & Brother Knights

Business casual (i.e., capri’s, dress slacks, summer dress)

5:00PM to 9:30PM
& Dinner
State Officers
Formal Floor Length Gowns
District Deputies
Delegates & Brother Knights
Semi Formal
9:30PM to ??
Casual. Shorts are okay.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Training - April 23-27 - CANCELLED!

Brothers all,
Due to some issues, Brother Ray will not be in town for training the week of April 23. The training classes are cancelled pending further notice.

Our Membership and Program Consultant, Brother Ray Lopez, will be in Arizona from Monday April 23 through April 27.
Here is the training sites and points of contact:

Monday April 23, 2018
St. Patrick Catholic Community
St. Patrick Council 12449
10815 N. 84th St
Scottsdale, AZ 85260
P.O.C.: Robert Julien
              480.860.0720 (h)
              480.707.9246 (c)
Start Time: 6:30pm
Tuesday April 24, 2018
Our Lady of the Valley
Our Lady of the Valley Council 6842
505 N. La Cañada Drive
Green Valley, Arizona 85614
P.O.C.: GK Jack Cotsonas
Setup Time: 6:00pm
Wednesday April 25, 2018
Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament
Fr. J.O. Barrette Council 1882
844 W. Sullivan St.
(council hall is across the street)
Miami AZ 85539
P.O.C.: Mario Reyes
Start Time: 6:45pm
Saturday April 28, 2018
St. Rita Catholic Church
1400 E Owens
Show Low, AZ 85901
P.O.C.: DD John Spadaccini DD
Start Time: 9:00am (Coffee &Donuts)
Start Time: 10:00am

Special Olympics - Tucson

Pictures from Special Olympics in Tucson

Flag Raising at Saints Peter & Paul Catholic School

The Knights from the Bishop Francis J Green Council 11855 installed a donated wooden flag in Gramer which doubles as the school cafeteria & Parish hall.

Tuesday, April 03, 2018

Everyday Heroes




Beginning today, we bring to brother Knights our new nine-part video series, "Everyday Heroes."

First in the run is Not Your Average Joe, the story of 25-year-old Joe Reali. Passionate football player and fan, he set aside his love of sports to be at his mother's side during her battle with cancer. This kind of selflessness characterized Joe's everyday life until his sudden death in 2015. In this feature, Joe's family and friends bring their memories of this devout and fun-loving young man to the screen.

Joe's dream was to touch millions. His example inspired Knights to form a new council in his name. And each time you watch the video, you help keep his memory alive.

Help us share Joe's story — and those of all the "Everyday Heroes" — with friends, family and your whole community:

  • First, like the video and share your thoughts in the comment section
  • Next, share a link to the video via email or council website, or mention it in conversation with friends
  • Finally, share a link with your friends on social media by clicking here


Knights of Columbus • 1 Columbus Plaza • New Haven, CT 06510 • 203-752-4000

Stay connected with Knights of Columbus:




Sunday, April 01, 2018

State Deputy Message - April 2018

April 2018

Arizona State Council
Knights of Columbus
Office of State Deputy

Worthy Grand Knights and Brothers,

How did your March Church / Membership Drives go?  Do you have Admissions Degrees scheduled to bring in those men that expressed interest in joining you in the most significant Catholic Lay organization in the World?

If you were not able to conduct a Church Drive have you updated your bulletin announcements to include an invitation to join?  Many Church Bulletins have a message from the Knights close to this. Call GK. xxxx at (phone number) if you want to join the Knights of Columbus”

Not very inspiring is it?  How about changing the announcement and list one or two reasons for them to join?  Be creative. Example “Wanted.  Men, especially young men and married men just starting their families. We have programs to help you be a better Catholic, husband, father.  Let us tell you more. My name is --- , my phone number is xxx., and I am a Knight of Columbus

April numbers are slightly lower than expected after our March drives. Check with your Financial Secretary to be sure those Form 100s are sent in as soon as the member completes his Degree.

Have guys that are interested but not ready to fully commit? Point them to
E-Membership (www.kofc.org/joinus). They can become Knights of Columbus members and learn as they go.  Just ask them to include your Council number or Parish so we can get you their information to follow up.

Now is the time to finish up those programs and begin to submit your paperwork for Supreme and State Awards. We still have incentive programs going that could earn you or your Council gifts and awards.

Busy on Tuesday April 24th?  If you are not attending our MPC Training session in Green Valley then you are free to attend the Supreme Training Webinar, Fishing is like Recruiting. Supreme has made it easy to sign up. Visit www.kofc.org/webinar  or use the shortened link https://conta.cc/2J07cHr. There will be something in this meeting that will help you finish the year strong.  Don’t wait until next year.  Get

those members in now so they are comfortable once your fall programs begin.  Check the State Website for other training dates and locations.

Speaking of programs, after nearly 50 years our famous Surge with Service Program model is being retired. Beginning July 1, 2018 our new program model will be Faith in Action. The exciting news is that instead of needing 4 programs in each of 6 areas, for a total of 24, you will now need only 4 programs in the 4 new areas to earn the Columbian Award.

More information will follow but next years Grand Knights will need to fill the following positions: Faith Director, Family Director, Community Director, and Life Director.  You will no longer need a Council or Youth Director.  These programs will be brought in under one of the new groups.

I would like to close by congratulating the winners of our March Membership drive. These men were drawn from among all that recruited a member in March to participate on the Arizona State Council golf team at the Golf for Vocations event April 12th.
Chris Moore, Council 10799 led the way with 4 members recruited. Also selected were Len Rheaume (11738). Raul Chavez (3855) and Thomas Pickard (9485), and Jack Swartz (15001).

We still have almost 2 ½ months left this year to complete our programs and achieve our goals. Make plans now to have a Supreme Award presented to your Council at a Mass in your Parish and work toward that goal.  It is a fantastic feeling to have your fellow parishioners come up to you after Mass and congratulate you and admit they never realized how much the Knights do in their church.

Vivat Jesus,

Sean Halpain State Deputy