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Sunday, April 29, 2018

Run for the Fallen - Mammoth


#1 Nearly 20 Sir Knights from AZ South gathered in Mammoth, AZ to support and encourage the trans-continental "Run for the Fallen" project.


#2 Sir Knights from five Assemblies in AZ South prepare to honor "20,000 fallen, four months, 6,000 miles."  


#3 Run for the Fallen team enters Mammoth, AZ on Hwy 77. See www.runforthefallen.org to contribute.


#4  The Knights of Columbus Patriotic Degree joined the American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Elks, Mammoth Lions Club, local Fire Departments and junior wrestlers, along with local residents, to honor those fallen in the War on Terrorism.


#5  "This is the greatest reception we've had since we started in California," George Lutz, Run for the Fallen coordinator, said at closing ceremonies in Mammoth.  



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