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Monday, May 28, 2018

Knights In Action: Memorial Day 2018 Honor Guard Holy Hope Cemetery Tucson, AZ





Fifteen Sir Knights from Five Southern Arizona Assembly participated in the Memorial Day Mass at Holy Hope Cemetery. Bishop Weisenburger was the celebrant. The participating Assemblies were:


Archbishop Daniel Gerke Assembly 12

Msgr. James Weber Assembly 2152

Fr. Henry Miller Assembly 2308

Msgr. Don Hughes Assembly 2392

Fr. Anthony Rey Assembly 3617




Thursday, May 24, 2018

State Deputy Message - May 23, 2018

May 23, 2018


Our State Convention has concluded, and I believe it was a great success!

Our State Officers for the 2018-2019 Fraternal Year will be.

State Deputy – Tom Kalisz
State Secretary – Mario Vassallo
State Treasurer – Luigi Baratta
State Advocate – Tom Kato
State Warden – Kevin McCarthy
Immediate Past State Deputy – Sean Halpain

Congratulations and good luck to each. I trust our membership statewide will support these men as they undertake the challenges of a new position while transitioning their current responsibilities to their successor. The time after Convention is very busy for both the State Secretary and the State Treasurer.

At the State Convention we conducted a Council Roll call to get some information about how many new members are expected to join our order between the Convention and June 30, 2018.  We also asked if a Council expected to earn Star Council status.  I want to thank all the Councils that responded.  State Officers will be calling those Councils that were not able to attend the Convention to get this information from them. 

I ask each of you to continue your efforts to grow your Councils and our Order so that we can continue to be able to respond to our Bishops, Pastors, and Parishes when they call on the Knights.

Looking forward, I let you know in an earlier message that the Surge of Service Program that had been used for years was being retired.  In its place will be the Faith in Action program.  Key changes are ending Council and Youth categories and combining them in with the categories of Faith, Family, Community, and Life.

The following is a link to the revised Form 365 Service Program Personnel Report.  Our State Deputy Elect will learn more at his June State Deputy Orientation meetings.  If you have more questions, bring them to your District Deputy after they return from the State Organizational meeting being held beginning on June 30th in Phoenix.

Our State Assistance Membership Director Ken White has been working for several weeks on a concept for “2 Man Teams”.  The concept, first brought to us by Supreme in August, is to create some dedicated teams to assist Councils with their Membership Recruiting efforts.   We put this on hold when Arizona was selected to be one of the 7 pilot states for E-Membership.  Continuation of this program, or a variation, will be decided by our State Deputy Elect and his Membership Director.  Regardless, the information Ken has assembled in preparing for this will only help our State going forward. Thanks to any that assisted Ken in this ground work.

Check your brief cases and notebooks.  Make sure all Form 100s for men that have completed their Admissions Degrees are completed accurately and submitted to Supreme as soon as possible.  We owe this to these men, so they can realize the benefits they are now entitled to receive.

Finally, now is the time to look at your programs to see if you have any that need to be completed. I realize not every Council will achieve Star Council Status, but with the Supreme Columbian, Founders, and McGivney Awards I believe that every Council has the potential to earn one of these.  Regardless of the Award, it is very gratifying to be presented one of these by your District Deputy, a State Officer, or our State Deputy.

Vivat Jesus,
Sean Halpain
State Deputy

2018 Raffle Winners!!!!

The following is a list of the tentative raffle winners.

Prize # Prize Amount NameCityStateZipCouncil #Ticket Number
1 $    10,000 Ms. Lorraine MolloyScottsdaleAZ85260-5312Blessed Sacrament140577
2 $       7,000 Joe DetiegieTempeAZ85282662784136
3 $       5,000 Jack SwartzPhoenixAZ8502315001234506
4 $       3,000 Laura O'HayerPhoenixAZ850441006292283
5 $       2,000 K of C St. Augustine CathedralTucsonAZ857011537624291
6 $       1,000 Ryan EstranaYorba Linda CA9288613779344652
7 $          500 Kathy SalazarGoodyearAZ8539513895117530
8 $          500 Frank J. HerbSun CityAZ853511214447721
9 $          500 Charles Willibald FairbanksMesaAZ852053419254019
10 $          500 Ms. Margaret MolinaChino ValleyAZ86323-637711827326031

Saturday, May 12, 2018

2018 State Convention

Dear Brother Knights and Friends of the Knights of Columbus,

The 111th Arizona Knights of Columbus Annual Convention is scheduled for May 18-19, 2018, at the Hilton Tucson  El Conquistador Golf & Tennis Resort, in Oro Valley, Arizona.  Here are some important reminders that we would like to bring to your attention:

The Convention Hotel, El Conquistador, has sold out! We have secured another great location for lodging, the Westward Look Wyndham Grand Resort and Spa, for the rate of $129/night. Book at:

For registration, visit the convention website at http://www.azkofcstateconvention.org/. For online registration with credit card, please click on Register Now. To register by mail, click on Convention Info then choose Print Media. Those who require disability assistance or who have any dietary restrictions, please note them in the Additional Information section at the bottom of the second page of the Printed Registration Form. 

Friday night will be a Sports Theme dinner! Come dressed in your favorite sports team attire.

Registration information and payment must be received no later than May 4, 2018. 

If you have any questions regarding the Arizona State Convention, please feel free to contact Bobby Nielsen at 
BNielsen200@gmail.com , or Joe Curran at JC22925@gmail.com .  Thank you for your participation and we look forward to seeing you in Oro Valley, AZ on May 18-19, 2018.

Tuesday, May 08, 2018

Membership Memo - May 8, 2018

Brother Knights,

Our Blessed Mother holds a special place in the hearts of all Brother Knights.  We received a rosary in our Admission Degree and the ceremonial reminds us that we are Her Knights.  We are into our second week of May, the month of Mary. Let’s do all we can to invite every eligible Catholic Gentleman to join our Order and to grow the brotherhood of Catholic men dedicated to Our Lady.

I want to thank you and your councils for the hard work you have been putting into recruiting new members to the Order. At the end of April , we had recruited 739 new members, 92 in April alone, which put us 35 new members ahead of last year at the same time. We had the best April in the last 5 years. 

We have already added 18 additional members in May, bringing us to 757 new Brother Knights so far this year.  We still need 193 additional members, so we still have work to do.  This is very doable and we have done that often in past years.

Attached is the latest "Road to Stardom" dashboard, sorted by District.  Remember, in addition to members, we need to grow the Order in Insurance and make our impact in Programs.  Combined with Membership growth, Insurance growth and Programs are needed to reach our goal of 30 Star Councils.  3 Councils have met all of the requirements for Star Council.  6 Additional Councils have reached their Membership and Insurance goals.  15 more have reached membership goals but need insurance numbers, 7 have reached Insurance and not yet Membership.  Don’t forget, Field agents are a powerful resource for membership growth.  Work with them!

We keep growing and our position in the Order is impressive!

% of Goal
Position = 
out of 74

% of Goal
Position = 
out of 74

% of Goal
Position = 
out of 74

Congratulate your councils that have reached (or almost reached) their goals and encourage them to continue working hard toward Star Council!  Don’t let a council miss Star or the Columbian Award by having them fail to submit a complete Form SP-7 or any other required forms!  This also includes the required Supreme Safe Environment training for the Grand Knight and Youth Director. (Council Safe environment compliance as of 4/18 is shown on the attached Road to Stardom dashboard.) SP-7 reports can be submitted now and can reference programs you plan on completing in the rest of the Fraternal Year.  Forms are tracked on the Road to Stardom Sheet as well.

For the months of February , March, and April. For every member that joined, the sponsor listed on the Form 100 was placed in a drawing for one of 10 Leatherman Wingman Multi-Tools, engraved with the sponsor’s name. For each member a sponsor recruits his name went into the drawing.  We have drawn the names, the engraved tools have arrived, and we will announce the winners at the Convention. 

All our membership promotions that reward sponsors are based on Supreme’s records and require that the Sponsor’s name and membership number be legibly recorded on the form 100!  Many form 100s do not have Sponsors listed so those men are not getting credit for our incentives.

Brothers, each of us as a leader in the Arizona Jurisdiction have a key role and responsibility to grow the Order in Arizona and reach our Goals.  Keep up the good work, and we can make it!


Kevin McCarthy
State Membership Director
Arizona State Council
Knights of Columbus
Cell: (602) 684-8125
Supporting Life at Every Stage

Tuesday, May 01, 2018

State Deputy Message - May 2018

May 5, 2018


May is here!  We still have two months to complete all the Council and State Projects and to achieve our Supreme Knight goals.  Will you earn the McGivney Award, the Columbian Award, or the Founders Award?  Will you be a Star Council? All are visible signs to your membership, Pastor and Parish that the Knights of Columbus are here to serve and do so with Pride.

Many are preparing for the Annual State Convention, being held this year in Tucson.  But this is not the time to become lax.  Schools are getting out soon, students are graduating or moving up in school.  Many of the men who had commitments to support their children at school will soon have some time available. 

Spring and Summer are not times to be complacent and take a break on recruiting men to join us as we serve our Bishops, Pastors and Parish communities.  It is actually a great time.  By bringing in new members now, they get a chance to make contributions for the balance of this year, learn about our activities and processes, and help shape the programs you will begin at the start of the next Fraternal Year.  Don’t wait.  Invite these men to join you now. If they are still too busy to attend an Admission Degree, assist them to join through E-Membership and list your Council or Parish on the form.

Speaking of the State Convention, if you are a District Deputy or State Committee Chairman your annual report is due to the State Executive Secretary Rick Garrison by the start of the meeting on May 18th.

Our State Program Director Larry Powers will have exciting news and a challenge to kick start our Ultrasound program to raise funds for a machine to save even more of the unborn in our state. Supporting Life at Every Stage.

Did you take the opportunity to attend the Supreme Webinar on April 24th?  Have you taken advantage of any of these Supreme sponsored and conducted training sessions?  Your District Deputy was given the schedule for the entire year and it is listed on the Supreme Website. 

This session was “Fishing is like Recruiting”.  The three simple points of the training were 1) Successful Fishing is not being random or lucky! 2) Successful fishing is about local knowledge! and 3) Successful Fishing is just like Successful Recruiting. 

Broken down the message was to fish where the fish are.  You know your Parishes.  Many now don’t look the same as they did several years ago.  Just as the Catholic church has become more diverse over the years so have our Parishes.  Has your Council?  If so, Congratulations. You are on your way to fulfilling Fr. McGivney’s dream and our Supreme Knights charge.  If not, now is a good time to reach out to another Catholic man who might look, speak, or sound different and invite him to bring his family and himself into our family of brother Knights.  Ask them to join you as you Step into the Breach for Christ.

May is also a time when Council prepare for or conduct their Council elections.  Consider carefully your brothers that are willing to serve in Council Office positions.  It is not always easy but seek out and elect those brothers who will lead your Council to serve you community and evangelize the faith.

I am excited about the next two months.  Arizona has shown Supreme and other states that we are strong closers.  We finish strong and don’t falter down the home stretch.  Don’t forget the $4.50 rebate from Supreme for every billable member when you earn Star Council status.  That pays for many of the members who have struggled to keep current.

Keep up the good work in your Councils, in your Parishes, in your Communities, but most importantly in your families and your personal life. 

Be proud to say that you are a Catholic Gentlemen and a Knight of Columbus.

Vivat Jesus,

Sean Halpain
State Deputy