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Monday, December 12, 2011

Our Lady of the Mountain Council 10799

A special thank you is extended to OLM Council 10799 Knights (Dale Berry, David Waldmann, Matt Miller, Rob Bridges and Tom Whipp) for their support in putting up the All Saints Catholic School's new flag pole in December 2011.


Sr. Carol OLM  

ASCS Principal 



Brother Dale Berry & Fr. Ariel during dedication 



Dedication to the ASCS 



Wow! That’s a long way up there. The OLM Council 10799 Knights all appear to be saying “I hope we did this right”!

Look at David’s right hand

(Is the level on the flag pole for decoration)?



Brother Dale directing the posting of flag pole


Saturday, October 22, 2011



The Knights of Columbus has established a Guild to advance the cause for canonization of our founder, Father Michael McGivney. The Guild gathers evidence on Father McGivney's life and character, collects information about favors people have received as the result of Father McGivney's intercession, promotes Father McGivney's cause for canonization, and offers spiritual benefits to its members.
To register to join the Guild, CLICK HERE and submit the form. You'll be added to Guild bimonthly newsletter list and kept informed of the progress of Fr. McGivney's cause for canonization.

Our Lady of Guadalupe Prayer Program

The Our Lady of Guadalupe Prayer Program began August 3 at the 129thOur Lady of Guadalupe Supreme Convention in Denver. This program features an image of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
Our Lady of Guadalupe, as patroness of the Americas, has special significance to the Knights of  Columbus. When the Order sponsored a tour of a relic of St. Juan Diego's tilma in 2003, Our Lady of Guadalupe's role as mother of all in the Americas became very clear.
In city after city, crowds of tens of thousands of people came to venerate Our Lady of Guadalupe. What was most striking was not the number of people, but the number of nationalities and ethnicities represented in each gathering. Likewise, at the Guadalupe Festival sponsored by the Knights of Columbus in 2009 in Phoenix, more than 20,000 people came to venerate and celebrate Our Lady of Guadalupe. It is our hope that this prayer program will continue to expand devotion to Our Lady and the evangelization of the Americas.
But the images we will be displaying are unlike any others used before. Not only are they blessed by His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI, but each one was also touched to the original image of Holy Mary of Guadalupe on St. Juan Diego’s tilma, when Supreme Knight Carl Anderson and Supreme Secretary Emilio Moure traveled to Mexico City on June 1. Each image bears the signature of the Rector of the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe and was sealed with a bit of soil from the first Church at Tepeyac Hill – the very terrain on which Our Lady appeared to St. Juan Diego almost 480 years ago. Arizona is scheduled to receive 2 of these Images for this program. We have currently received the first and now need to make plans with our Pastors and Parishes to sponsor this Prayer Program.
CLICK HERE To see the events already scheduled thus far.
For more information on the Our Lady of Guadalupe image and devotion, please see this letter from Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson.
State Warden Sean Halpain is the Chairman of the Prayer Program in Arizona.  CLICK HERE for his letter to the Knights of Arizona.

New Council Established at St. Augustine Cathedral Parish

On October 11, 2011 a new council was established at St. Augustine Cathedral. The council will be known as St. Augustine Council 15376.  Congratulations to all of who have worked so hard to make this happen, including S.K. Mario Vassallo AZ KofC District Deputy 5, new Grand Knight  Peter Herran, Deputy Grand Knight Larry Bednarek, and Chaplain Rev. Fr. Gonzalo Villegas.

Friday, October 21, 2011

The Knights of Columbus Supports Vocations!

As State Deputy for the Knights of Columbus in the great state of Arizona, I am compelled to write this letter to expound on the Knights' great work in the area of vocations.

Our Most Reverend Auxiliary Bishop Eduardo Nevares charges us with the important task of expanding our efforts to find young men and women of the Diocese of Phoenix that feel the call to priestly and religious vocations. (CLICK HERE to read Bishop Nevares' Letter to the knights.)

We must nurture and mentor those who Christ is calling from our parishes. We do this by our moral or financial support through every stage of their formation to serve the Church.

As Knights we are in solidarity with our priests. This is the same for seminarians from their first day of college seminary until the day of their ordination. We must show our support to the public, by raising them up in prayer, and by helping others see how they are doing in the journey. They are called to be servants to the entire Catholic population, not just in our state, but the world. Our support for them can help shape their experience in many ways, further igniting their dedication to the Lord.

Please accept my request and those of our Auxiliary Bishop as a priority for your council’s activities for the coming fraternal year.

Vivat Jesus!
Patrick J. Schuller
State Deputy
Knights of Columbus
Arizona State Council

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Arizona State Council Pro-Life Couple

Louis and Sylvia White 

In Catholic elementary school we were taught not only to avoid sin, but to avoid the near occasion of sin.  In Catholic high school we were taught that sin is anything that separates us from God and from relationship with others.

Reducing the opportunity for abortions through recent reduction in Planned Parenthood facilities that provide abortions is a definite plus to our community, to women and to babies here in Arizona. It reduces the near occasion of sin. It reduces a very real action that separates people from God and each other.

If abortion is less available, then the material, financial, emotional, spiritual and relational support we give pregnant women should be even more available. Our actions can encourage life and promote better relationship with God and others.

  • We can pray for an end to abortion.
  • We can hope women make life-giving decisions for their babies and themselves.
  • We can express our views and our beliefs.
  • Let’s get out there and give our support to those in need. Actions speak louder than words.

Louis A. & Sylvia L. White

Planned Parenthood Locations in Arizona

Arizona Right to Life

Center for Arizona Policy

Arizona Catholic Conference

1st Way of Maricopa County

Priests for Life

40 Days for Life

Prayer to End Abortion

Lord God, I thank you today for the gift of my life, 
And for the lives of all my brothers and sisters.

I know there is nothing that destroys more life than abortion, 
Yet I rejoice that you have conquered death 
by the Resurrection of Your Son.

I am ready to do my part in ending abortion. 
Today I commit myself 
Never to be silent, 
Never to be passive, 
Never to be forgetful of the unborn.

I commit myself to be active in the pro-life movement, 
And never to stop defending life 
Until all my brothers and sisters are protected, 
And our nation once again becomes 
A nation with liberty and justice 
Not just for some, but for all.

Through Christ our Lord. Amen!

[Courtesy of Priests for Life]


The Power of 1

This years theme for membership is the Power of 1.
1 Member per council per month. Arizona's goal is 1008. With 130+ councils, this should be achievable.
Below is a short video explaining the Power of 1.
[wpvideo 2rP8bg12]