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Friday, April 27, 2012

From the State Family Director

Dear Brothers Knights;
Congratulations to the family of Joel & Georgene Gorzen from council #7114 in Glendale for being selected as March 2012 Supreme Family of the Month.
Arizona has consistently had a monthly winner for years so I want to thank you for your participation in the Supreme Family of the Month program. Let’s increase our participation as a state and see even more winners from Arizona!
May the Lord continue to bless all of you. 
Frank Yanez 
Arizona State Family Director

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

KOCOA April 2012


State Newsletter Attached.   Please distribute widely. Thanks!

Click here for PDF.

John S. Garcia
Public Relations Director
Arizona State Council
(602) 525-4424

Thursday, April 19, 2012

From the State Chaplain

Dear Brothers Knights;

It is a privilege for us Catholics to be part of this country where Religious Freedom is important, and should be defended.

Recently we received some attacks to our freedom and our Catholic believes. It is our rights to protect for our own good and the generations to come.

The Health and Human Services (HHS) is trying to impose on our Church to provide services that runs against our moral teachings of our faith.

In the mist of these difficult times we should stand together as ONE in our faith and together in our actions.

It will be important to follow what the Church is recommending to us:


  • Notify political leaders State and Federal that we are not agree for this attack to our religious freedom. Do it with kindness, not with grudge.
  • Continue supporting our local parishes, pastors, priests and Bishops…Pray for us!
  • Pray for our government leaders.
  • Defend Life at all times; respecting the rights of all peoples….. [Unborn, children, young teens, young adults, married couples, elderly, widows, orphans; that includes our immigrant brothers and sisters. We cannot fight against the reality of their presence; they have their right as well us. All of us have been created by God with the same dignity.
  • Attend or promote an OVERNIGHT ADORATION TO THE BLESSED SACRAMENT to stop this attack to our religious freedom. This is a great scarify in staying all night awake in prayer before HIM the ONE who will set us free.
  • Attend regularly the Sacrament of Confession (that is at least monthly).
  • Do not miss Sunday Eucharist.
  • Pray the Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet…[Divine Mercy Novena starts this Good Friday to finishing by Divine Mercy Sunday] Do it in groups or personally for the same cause and we will see God’s Mercy upon us and our Country.
  • Continue supporting all Catholic Organizations, catholic Schools, Institutions, etc.


Brother Knights, we cannot lose focus on Jesus Christ, we cannot lose our Moral Values. Keep the peace that comes from Jesus…… these coming few days are the most SACRED OF ALL DAYS!!! Stay in tune with your local parishes, attend the Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Vigil Celebrations…… your faith will be renew!

You are in my prayers and in my Masses!

Yours in Christ, 
Rev. Carlos A. Gomez-Rivera 
AZ State Chaplain 
St. Augustine Catholic Church Phoenix


Monday, April 16, 2012

State Charity Raffle Update #9

A message from the State Raffle Director, Richard Armanini!  Questions or comments should be forwarded to Richard at REArmani@cox.net or telephone 480.706.9314 or 480.639.0590.


This message was sent to all State Officers, District Deputies, and Insurance Agents.  In addition, it was sent to the Grand Knights, Deputy Grand Knights, Financial Secretaries, and Raffle Chairman.  

Richard Armanini, 3315 E Dry Creek Road, Phoenix AZ 85044-7022

Telephone and Recorder: 480.706.9314 or 480.639.0590

E-Mail: REArmani@cox.net

In order for the State Council to send your CHARITY CHECKS to you as soon as possible after the convention, we are going to change the process for turning in the Charity Raffle ticket stubs and checks.

Anytime from now until the convention, councils can:

1. Mail a council check and ticket stubs to the State Charity Raffle Director OR mail a council check and turn the stubs in at the convention before 12:00 Noon on Saturday May 19, 2012.

2. In either case, you can still turn in a final Council check and ticket stubs at the convention.

3. Attached is an electronic version of the State Raffle Report. You can type the information, print the report and mail a copy of the report with your council check. [Typing is better than hand writing]

4. When you mail the check, also e-mail State Raffle Report or telephone the State Charity Raffle Director so I know to expect the check.

5. The State Raffle Director will document the information, sign the form, and return the signed State Raffle Report to you via mail or electronic mail.

6. The deadline for mailing the checks and/or ticket stubs to the State Raffle Director is May 15th.

7. When the council sends a check and holds their ticket stubs to deposit in the Raffle Barrel at the convention, they must bring the signed copy of the State Raffle Report along with the ticket stubs.

8. The deadline for turning in tickets stubs only is 12:00 Noon on Saturday May 19, 2012

9. PLEASE do not bring personal checks or cash to the convention.

10. Caution, do not give or send checks or ticket stubs to anyone expect the State Raffle Director or his team working the raffle table. [Last year we had personal checks and money missing when they were given to someone other than Knights working at the raffle table. We found the ticket stubs in time for the drawing]

There are five [5] weeks until the convention. This is plenty of time for each council to push to reach their goal or stretch goal.



The attached document is the State Raffle Report.  Please read both.


Discard all old State Raffle Reports and only use the attached version. 


Thanks for supporting the K of C State Charity Raffle.


Richard Armanini

State Charity Raffle Director

3315 E Dry Creek Road

Phoenix, AZ  85044-7022

Telephone:  480.706.9314

Cell phone:  480.639.0590 [new]


"Leadership is action, not a position"

P Please consider the environment before printing this email.


Friday, April 13, 2012

Our Lady of the Mountain Council 10799

Our Lady of the Mountains (OLM) Council 10799, Sierra Vista, AZ held our annual yard sale on 13-14 April 2012 that made $2500 for our Charitable Projects from the generous donations that we received from the community. Thanks to all involved in this successful Yard Sale. A great TEAM effort. Remaining items were donated to St. Vincent DePaul, Forgash House and OLM for Sr. Carol's upcoming Yard Sale. A thank you was extended for all of your volunteering support and generous donation of items. God Blessed us with success and comradery.


Monday, April 09, 2012

Substance Abuse Poster Contest

Here are the winners from the Substance Abuse Poster Contest:

 Emily Lenezma Chavira - Council 12851

 Emma Gulczynski - Council 12851

 Makylla Searce - Council 11809

 Ezekiel Avila - Council 11809

Vivat Jesus, 
Rudy Cavolina,
General Program Director, Arizona State Council Knights of Columbus


State Charity Raffle Update #8

A message from the State Raffle Director, Richard Armanini! Any questions or comments should be forwarded to Richard at REArmani@cox.net or telephone 480.706.9314  

This message was sent to all State Officers, District Deputies, and Insurance Agents. In addition, it was sent to the Grand Knights, Deputy Grand Knights, Financial Secretaries, and Raffle. If you are not the Raffle Chairman this year, please send a message to REArmani@cox.net and indicate the new chair and his e-mail for 2012.

The last Charity Raffle Update contained a challenge for all Knights to consider buying and/or making a Century Sale which is a $100 sale. This Charity Raffle Update #8 contains another challenge for all Brother Knights. This challenge is to encourage your members to sell $1,000 worth of tickets.

See attachment for a list of last year's $1,000 sellers. Fourteen [14] Brother Knights sold over $1,000 for a total of $25,750. These fourteen Knights sold just over 11.6% of our total sales. You are thinking, "Sure, they are super salesmen. We do not have anyone like that in our council". [How do you know, if you do not try?]

TRUE EXPERIENCE: I joined the Knights in 1967. From that time until 2004 when I was appointed Council Chairman, I never sold a raffle ticket. I bought all the tickets that were given to me. As chairman, I felt I needed to sell tickets to set an example for members and started to sell them. Last year I sold over $1,000. Now the pressure is on to repeat the feat. I am not a super salesman but I do believe in the product. Moral: You can teach old dogs new tricks if properly motivated.

As your council's Charity Raffle Chairman, please tell your members about these two challenges. Use e-mail, your council newsletters, and a few minutes during your council meetings to inform your members about both opportunities to impact on raising money for your charity. Some of your members will hear is three times, but that is OK. After you give them the challenges, say a silent prayer that the Holy Spirit will do the rest to encourage your members to help your council raise money for your charity. [Prayer is an import tool in the Chairman's tool box. You plant the seeds and let the Holy Spirit motivate the Knights]

Lent was a good time to talk about giving to charity. One way to give to charity is to sell Charity Raffle Tickets and help your council raise money for your Charity.

Tell your members and me how close your council is to reaching your goal?  

Happy Easter Season!  


Vivat Jesus!

Richard Armanini

State Charity Raffle Director

3315 E Dry Creek Road

Phoenix, AZ  85044-7022

Telephone:  480.706.9314

Cell phone:  480.639.0590 [new]


"Leadership is action, not a position"

P Please consider the environment before printing this email.