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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Council 3145 - Kingman


This past weekend Council 3145 in Kingman had a Birthday party for Father McGivney after Mass and had approx. 150 parishioners enjoy cake (2 with a perfect picture of Father McGiveny) along with Vanilla and Chocolate ice cream. Also, there was Ice Tea, Lemonade, and water. In addition Bishop Olmsted was in attendance along with Father Matthew. After we finished with the party at about 1:30 we then went to the Knights hall and had a hamburger and hot dog barbecue for the Knights, their wives, and some potential new members were invited as well. In attendance at the Barbecue were about 35 people. Quite a feat to pull off a double party in one day for so many people in a council that has been struggling  to be active. We hope to repeat in future years with better attendance andmnore new members. It really enticed some men and their wives to want to be a part of it.

The attached picture is from the birthday party we had today at St. Mary's Parish center, earlier today.

Grand Knight, Tom Curtis, of St. Mary's, Knight's of Columbus, Council 3145, hands Pastor, Father Matthew Krempel, a check for $550.00, from the Knight's of Columbus, while visiting Bishop Thomas Olmstead, looks on.

Wes Hawkins, DD #17


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