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Thursday, August 02, 2012

Santa Catalina Council 12345

Alfonso De la Riva ordained Deacon for Diocese of Tucson

Alfonso De la Riva, a member of Santa Catalina Council (12345), was ordained a Deacon at a Mass at St. Augustine Cathedral by Bishop Gerald Kicanas on June 16, 2012.

Later that day the Rev. Mr. De la Riva, assisted Fr. Larry Sanders  at Mass for the first time as a Deacon, proclaiming the Gospel and distributing Communion.   Following Mass, a large number of parishioners attended a reception in the parish hall to offer congratulations.  The festivities of the day were shared by Alfonso’s wife Maria Luisa, who did the first reading at the Mass.  Also attending were children Celia, Mary, Jay, and Beto; and the joy of their hearts, grandsons Urijah and Antonio.

Alfonso and Maria Luisa (“Licha”) moved to Catalina 23 years ago from San Manuel where Alfonso had been employed as a miner. After moving to Catalina, he became the Operations Manager for Perry Heating & Cooling. He and Maria Luisa were quickly involved in ministry at Santa Catalina. Alfonso

works with the Hospitality and Cursillos Ministries as well as Spanish Mass lector, Eucharistic Minister, leads the Men’s Spanish Prayer Group, and is a volunteer with the Youth Ministry. Maria Luisa is currently staff Coordinator of Hispanic Ministries, trainer of the ministers for the Spanish Mass, works with Alfonso in the Baptismal Ministry, and is the “official” translator when necessary.

The Santa Catalina Council is extremely proud and pleased to have Deacon Alfonso as a member.



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