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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Council 10441 - Brother Knight Enters Seminary

George Holley, a Knight in Council #10441 and Sir Knight in Assembly #2392 at St. Thomas the Apostle Parish in Tucson, was recently guided by the Holy Spirit to seek a Vocation to the Priesthood.  Fr. John Lyons, the Pastor at St. Thomas the Apostle, announced this news at all the Masses on Saturday, May 26th. & Sunday, May 27th.  A group of selected Brother Knights hosted a Farewell Dinner for George at Giacomo's Italian Restaurant on Sunday evening, July 15th.  George left Tucson this month to enter Sacred Heart Seminary in Hales Corners, Wisconsin.

George served the parish for many years as an usher and a lector.  Most importantly, he was the Parish RCIA Director who guided many adults to the Holy Catholic Faith. George contributed to in the Council and the Assembly in a variety of ways. He was the Chancellor on the council's 1st. Degree Exemplification Team.  He helped organize an annual council fall tradition, "The All Knighter", a barbecue to welcome new members followed by a program with a Catholic speaker.  He was a regular participant in another unique council activity, "The Round Table Discussion" (a forum on contemporary Catholic issues moderated by our Chaplain, Fr. Chris Corbally, S.J.) the 1st. Saturday of each month after the 8:00 A.M. Mass.

George was a stock broker and a small business owner here in Tucson for many years.

Our blessings go with George on his journey of faith.  He will be remembered by our fraternity of Knights.

Vivat Jesus,

David Orr

Past Grand Knight, Council #10441

Faithful Navigator, Assembly #2392

St. Thomas the Apostle 


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