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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Saint Kateri Tekakwitha Canonization Celebrations

Brother Knights,

Saint Kateri Tekakwitha is the first Native American Saint in North America and is a major icon within the Native American Catholic Community. Attached please find a flyer describing the festivities going on here in Tucson during the weekend of the Canonization.

I encourage Councils, Assemblies and brother knights to send donations to help with this historic celebration.  The Knights of Columbus has been very supportive of  Native American Catholic Communities major events in the past.  The Canonization of Saint Kateri is especially significant not only to the Native American Catholic Communities but also to Native American Knights of Columbus members across North America so our support with donations from all our Councils and Assemblies  will help in showing how supportive we can be throughout Arizona.

Donations can be sent to Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha Parish, 507 W. 29th St., Tucson, AZ 85713, and write Kateri Canonization Celebration in the memo area.

Thank you for your support.


S.K. Mario VassalloAZ KofC District Deputy

KofC Chief Judge John M. Roll Chapter President

OCTOBER: Score a Touchdown ADD 6 New Members

Brothers ALL:
How many councils can score a touchdown? Yes, add SIX new members to their rosters this month?
We’re confident that with the team spirit that exists among the councils, this should be an achievable goal.
One of the reasons we’re asking the councils to focus on adding six members is because we have a challenge with retention. Brothers, we’re losing members for a couple of reasons. You know what the reasons are, I don’t need to reiterate those. For every member lost, we should be adding two. Ideally, we shouldn’t lose any, but situations happen.
We’ve spoken about the challenges our Catholic Faith is experiencing every day. Brothers, we must grow our Order.
Please find attached activities to help generate interest and enthusiasm to help drive Membership Growth as well as suggestions for Program Activities.
TIP: For those parishes that begin the Mass by greeting those around where they sit, look for a Knight’s Name Badge….. If you don’t see one, you may be looking at a potential New Member. Don’t forget, the easiest way to recruit a Knight is by asking. Don’t forget to wear your Council/Knight’s badges.
Vivat Jesus!!
Ron Cacini
AZ State Membership Director
One Knight Per Council Per Month


Thursday, September 20, 2012

40 Days for Life/Chandler Kick-Off Rally


Our 40 Days for Life Kickoff Event for Fall 2012 will be held on Sunday, September 23rd from 3:00 to 4:00 pm, at Harmony Hallows Park, located behind the Planned Parenthood Offices on Alma School Road.

Harmony Hallows Park
1082 W Galveston Street
Chandler, AZ 85224

Opening Prayer Vigil

We are pleased to announce that we will have a guest speaker from Silent No-More, and a guest speaker from the Hope Mobile at our Kick-off Event. They will share with us the work they are doing to help repair the lives of individuals wounded by abortion, as well as in saving the lives of the unborn through counseling and technology. Please set this time aside to join us. Everyone is invited to picnic with their families in the park and spend time with fellow participants. We will provide water and snacks.

We are praying in thanksgiving that, by God's grace, abortions will no longer be performed at the Planned Parenthood facility in Chandler. Please join us, not only for the kick-off, but in prayer during our 40 day vigil. We have much to be thankful for this year, but there is still much more we need to pray for.

Today, we received this report from the Center for Arizona Policy:

Abortions Drop 8% in Arizona Year to Year   

1,173 fewer abortions performed August 2011-July 2012, compared to August 2010-July 2011

The latest statistics from the Arizona Department of Health Services show an 8 percent decrease in abortions performed in Arizona year to year. Thanks in part to the growing pro-life movement in the state, there were 1,173 fewer women harmed by abortion, and fewer pre-born lives lost in August 2011-July 2012 (13,538) compared to August 2010-July 2011 (14,711).


Our Fall 2012 Campaign begins Wednesday, September 26, 2012 and ends Sunday, November 4, 2012. Our prayer vigil will take place at the following location:

Planned Parenthood
Chandler Health Center
610 N. Alma School Road
Chandler, AZ 85224

We are asking churches throughout the area to participate in Adopt-A-Day. Adopt-A-Day is simply one church taking ownership for keeping the twelve hour vigil with their congregants for one day with two or more people praying together for each hour. Pastors and church leaders are invited to come with the members of their congregation to lead them in prayer for the unborn. Those interested in Adopt-A-Day can contact Jose Calzadilla at our website address.

Individuals, families, church groups, bible studies, men’s and women’s groups and other church related groups can take hours of prayer. Help us to continue praying not only for the unborn, but for those who staff the facility and those who continue to use the services of Planned Parenthood in Chandler. We must pray until the doors are closed and every mother and child is safe.

We have every morning of our 40 day vigil covered and some of our afternoons; we are still looking for other groups or individuals to join us in prayer.  To locate your church time, please go to our web site and check out the "local news" page.  If you would like to become a church liaison, please contact me directly.  We continue to pray for God to bless us with 40 Churches for 40 Days!

Those needing additional information on pregnancy support or abortion support or counseling, should also check out our links page, which is listed at the top of our web site.

Thank you and God bless!!


Peggie Scarrott

40 Days for Life/Chandler, AZ - Coordinator

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Council 3121 - Pro Life Dinner - Chandler


The Knights of Columbus of Father Patterson Council #3121 are inviting you and your spouse to their 3rd Annual Right to Life Dinner and Auction, Saturday October 6, 2012. Tickets are $15 ea. This includes an Italian dinner prepared by Floridino's of Chandler. In addition, our main event is a live auction hosted by a highly entertaining professional auctioneer. There will be some great items up on the block and you will have lots of fun bidding on your favorite items.

The K of C hall is located at 644 E, Chandler Blvd, Chandler, AZ 85225.

Tickets are available for sale at the K of C Hall Lounge Thursday and Friday evenings, between 5-9:30pm Thursday’s and 4:30-8pm Friday’s, or you can call the hall at (480) 963-4372.  The Social Hour begins at 5:30pm with a cash bar and dinner to follow at 6:30pm. We look forward to seeing you there for this awesome event. God Bless!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

National POW/MIA Recognition Day

National POW/MIA Recognition Day

Dear Friend of Church and Military,

After more than a decade of war, our Nation has grown all too familiar with the grim scenes and stories from the front lines. You and I still shudder at the statistics of those killed or wounded. Upon reflection we cannot help but realize that each casualty and every wounded warrior represents not one, but many lives affected. His or her tragedy involves so many others—a spouse, parents, family and friends.

What about those who are prisoners or missing in action? Their fate is uncertain, cruel and, at least as far as their loved ones are concerned, without closure. Their families and friends wrestle with nagging questions: Will I ever see him again? Is she okay? When will I hear something?

Each year on the third Friday of September, these heroes are officially recognized and honored by the Country they have served. In 2012, the National POW/MIA Recognition Day falls on September 21st. Permit me to invite you to spend a few more moments in prayer on this day of recognition to remember the persons still listed as POW or MIA and their families. Christians always offer their first gesture of assistance by lifting mind and heart to Almighty God, as countless chaplains continue to do each day.

It is not difficult to appreciate what the sacraments mean to someone about to set out on a dangerous mission or to a Veteran confined in an extended-care facility. Do you and I not have an obligation to ensure that the men and women who defend our precious freedom have access to a priest to talk to about their fears, worries, doubts, or anything else on their minds before a mission? Priest-chaplains have often told me that their presence is vitally important to service members serving constantly in harm’s way.

You know that the AMS has a Vocations Program charged with the responsibility of filling the severe chaplain shortage. The Vocations Director, Father Kerry Abbott, OFM. Conv., has completed a fruitful first year on the job, guiding seven new priests and two new deacons through ordination. But many more new vocations are needed. Your generosity encourages all of us in the quest for more candidates to serve as chaplains.

The Seminarian Co-Sponsorship program identifies and encourages men in the military to seek a vocation to the priesthood for the benefit of the entire Church and as well as service as a military chaplain. In recent years about 10% of those ordained to the priesthood in the U.S. had prior military service, and 20% came from military families. Today’s military provides more vocations to thepriesthood for the Catholic Church in America than from any other single source. I have no doubt that the same statistic would soar if more priests were in contact with service members.

Please pray on the 2012 National POW/MIA Recognition Day, and every day, for the service members whose whereabouts are still unknown. Pray for their families. Pray for those working hard to bring closure to those families. Pray that no more service members will face captivity or become “missing in action,” and they will all return safely home. Pray for a lasting and just peace. Help me to be there to console families at the conclusion of their ordeal with the consolation of the Prayer of the Church. Thank you and may God bless you and your family.

With sentiments of gratitude, I remain

Sincerely in Christ

(Most Reverend) Timothy P. Broglio
Archbishop for the Military Services

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Council 12313 - Wayne Kubes passing

Brothers -

It is with heavy heart that we announce the passing of Sir Knight Wayne Kubes. Wayne passed away Saturday morning after a lengthy illness.

Wayne was deeply involved with the Knights over the years and he was instrumental in getting our very own council up and running. He served as Grand Knight for our council in fraternal year 2000 - 2001 and was also a past District Deputy. He will be missed by all.

There will be a funeral mass on Saturday the 15th at St Bernard of Clairvaux - please keep your eyes open for additional emails in regards to this.. There will be a call out for the fourth degree.

SK Wayne Kubes was truly a kind and generous man. He assisted many folks that were less fortunate than himself.
He championed the right to life .
He views were always those of what is right was right  and what is wrong is wrong. Meaning relativism was never an option.
He was a true Catholic gentleman.
His family was blessed to have a father that exemplified all of these values.
My family was also blessed to have known him and we will pray for the repose of his soul.
What a day for him to go home. On the birthday of our Blessed Mother.
Ad Majorem Dei gloriam

Ted Meyer
Grand Knight

Our Lady of Clairvaux Council 12313
St. Bernard of Clairvaux Church
10755 North 124th Street
Scottsdale,  AZ  85259-4308

Seminarian Updates

Congratulations to Brother Kurt Perera (Corpus Christi Council 10062) for being awarded a Bishop Thomas V. Daily Vocations Scholarship.

Congratulations also to Brother Scott Sperry (Tempe Council 6627) for being awarded a Father Michael J. McGivney Vocations Scholarship.

May the Holy Spirit continue to enlighten and guide each of you as you continue to follow your calling to the priesthood and please know that our prayers are with you.

Bryant Sayers

State Deputy

Council 10762 - Reachout Pregnancy Center

Congratulations to Tucson’s Reachout Pregnancy Center (Ms. Giovannini).  With a check from Supreme Council in the amount of $13,134.00, and the support of Council 10762, they have been able to purchase a new ultrasound machine.

As Supreme Knight, Carl Anderson, stated in a letter to Reachout Pregnancy Center, Council 10762 and Bishop Kicanas, “ultrasound technology opens a window into the womb and dramatically shows the humanity of the unborn”.

He also stated they are pleased to partner with the St. Pius X Council 10762 in purchasing a powerful tool which they hope and pray will save many lives through the good work of Reachout Pregnancy Center.

Bryant Sayers

State Deputy

Friday, September 14, 2012

SVdP Request


Please see the attached letter from the State Deputy.  This an urgent request.

Vivat Jesus!
Rick Garrison
Knights of Columbus
State Executive Secretary

All Saints Council 9485 2nd Annual Knights Klassic Car Show

Knights Klassic Car Show October 27, 7:00 AM- 2:00 PM benifitting the Aid to Women Center in Tempe, AZ.


Please contact PGK PFN Cliff Richeson or our Webmaster SK Gordon Shirling with any additional questions.

Peace, Tom

SK Thomas Pickard GK
Knights of Columbus
All Saints Council 9485
P.O. Box 21622
Mesa, AZ 85277


AZ Dist Master and PSD Michael Kingman Inteview onthe Bishop's Hour

Listen to Arizona Fourth Degree District Master, PSD Michael H. Kingman's interview by Michael Dixon on the Bishop's Hour for the Diocese of Phoenix. This originally aired during the week of Labor Day, but is available through the Diocesan website. Listen regularly to the Bishop's Hour through Immaculate Heart Radio 1310 AM at 11:00 a.m. on Mondays and an encore presentation at 9:00 p.m. each Thursday. In a couple of weeks, Former Supreme Master and PSD Larry Costanzo will be interviewed regarding the upcoming Arizona Rosary Celebration.


Click here to listen: http://thebishopshour.org/2012/09/04/sept-3-2012-heresy-ewtn-and-knights-of-columbus/

John S. Garcia
Public Relations Director
Arizona State Council