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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

OCTOBER: Score a Touchdown ADD 6 New Members

Brothers ALL:
How many councils can score a touchdown? Yes, add SIX new members to their rosters this month?
We’re confident that with the team spirit that exists among the councils, this should be an achievable goal.
One of the reasons we’re asking the councils to focus on adding six members is because we have a challenge with retention. Brothers, we’re losing members for a couple of reasons. You know what the reasons are, I don’t need to reiterate those. For every member lost, we should be adding two. Ideally, we shouldn’t lose any, but situations happen.
We’ve spoken about the challenges our Catholic Faith is experiencing every day. Brothers, we must grow our Order.
Please find attached activities to help generate interest and enthusiasm to help drive Membership Growth as well as suggestions for Program Activities.
TIP: For those parishes that begin the Mass by greeting those around where they sit, look for a Knight’s Name Badge….. If you don’t see one, you may be looking at a potential New Member. Don’t forget, the easiest way to recruit a Knight is by asking. Don’t forget to wear your Council/Knight’s badges.
Vivat Jesus!!
Ron Cacini
AZ State Membership Director
One Knight Per Council Per Month



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