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Saturday, September 15, 2012

Council 10762 - Reachout Pregnancy Center

Congratulations to Tucson’s Reachout Pregnancy Center (Ms. Giovannini).  With a check from Supreme Council in the amount of $13,134.00, and the support of Council 10762, they have been able to purchase a new ultrasound machine.

As Supreme Knight, Carl Anderson, stated in a letter to Reachout Pregnancy Center, Council 10762 and Bishop Kicanas, “ultrasound technology opens a window into the womb and dramatically shows the humanity of the unborn”.

He also stated they are pleased to partner with the St. Pius X Council 10762 in purchasing a powerful tool which they hope and pray will save many lives through the good work of Reachout Pregnancy Center.

Bryant Sayers

State Deputy


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