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Sunday, November 25, 2012

DECEMBER THEME: Keeping Christ in Christmas

Brothers ALL:
In keeping with the Spirit of Christmas during this holy time of the year, we want to share a reminder that “Christ is The Reason for the Season”. Brothers, we must continue to keep Christ in Christmas regardless of the distractions and challenges that we face in our everyday lives.
Pray that Jesus be the main focus of our daily lives, and with the strength that God provides through that prayer, we must continue to support our Church, the Clergy, and our fellow man. The Knights of Columbus is and will continue to be the right arm of the Church, and we must remain strong and diligent.
Gentlemen, have you brought in a new candidate to the Order in the last 45 days? In the last 60 days? In the last 90 days? There are thousands of Catholic men registered in our State, who are not Knights of Columbus. If we are not reaching out as God has intended us to do, and bring Catholic Men into the Knights of Columbus, we are not evangelizing.
Remember the simple strategy we spoke about, One Member, Per Council, Per Month.
I look forward to seeing you all at the Mid-Year meeting next week, and I pray that you and your families find the love, peace and joy during this Christmas Season.
I’ve attached some very useful guidelines offered by Supreme to keep the councils focused on Recruitment and Programs. Please share this information with your respective Councils.
Vivat Jesus!!
Ron Cacini
AZ State Membership Director
One Knight Per Council Per Month



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