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Monday, November 05, 2012

Horse Shoe Tournament - Council 5542

Last Saturday, Nov. 3, Council 5542 in San Manuel hosted the inaugural Traveling Trophy

Horse Shoe Tournament in San Manuel.

District 16 Deputy Joe Skamel, District 4 Deputy Bill Barrett and District 6 Deputy Drew Mansager

participated, along with members of their Districts.  Council 5542 provided refreshments and music.

Home town Council 5542 won top honors.  Council 5542 serves the towns and parishes of Mammoth,

San Manuel and Oracle.

Would you please let me know if you received this information and photos?  I am trying to find

a way to submit information for Knights in Action.  I'd appreciate hearing from you.


Drew Mansager

DD 006

photo captions:

2766  Joe Gonzales, Council 5542, watches as council brother Jerry Bribiescas tosses one of

many ringers at the inaugural Traveling Trophy horse shoe tournament November 3 in San Manuel

while District 16 Deputy Joe Skamel sends a point rich shoe.

2764  Jerry Bribiescas, Joe Skamel and Council 11855 Grand Knight Chris Mayer wait their turn.

2749  Bill Barrett, District 4 Deputy, locks in on his target.

2750  Chris Mayer, GK 11855, shows the finesse needed to win at horse shoes.

2775  Co-champion, Roberto Estrada, sights in for a match winning toss.



  1. Nice post and pictures of Tournament Drew--sorry we missed it. I am also trying to figure out how to submit photos to Knights in Action from our ramp project for parishoner Emily Hassman--could you please send info?Thank you,Greg Dowler, GK #13272
