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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Flag retirement - Multiple Councils

Fr. Henry Miller, Assembly 2308 in Tucson, sponsored a flag retirement ceremony November 10 at

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton church.

After the ceremony, Sir Knights sold lunch to raise money to send more veterans to visit the WW II memorial in Washington, D.C.


2788 - Council 8077 rifle team.

2799 - Sons of the Revolution added an historic dimension, including bagpipes.

2811 - Sir Knights carry "our old friend" to be respectfully retired.

2843 - WW II vets and local Boys Scouts view the retirement of Old Glory.  Veterans included

Ray Herst, who fought on Iwo Jima.

2813 - Sir Knights Frank Carlino and Chester DeSantis separate the red and white stripes.

2823 - Honor Guard listens to words of farewell for the flag.

2826 - Sir Knights complete their duty.

2831 - A respectful farewell to a grand old flag.








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