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Saturday, May 04, 2013

Raffle Chairman Pre-Convention Instructions

This message was sent only to the Charity Raffle Chairman and Grand Knights that are serving as the Charity Raffle Chairman. This message is attached in a PDF format to make it easier to save, print, and/or read. 

Now is the time for multitasking, you need [1] to remind everyone for the need to reach your goal or the stretch goal.  [2] At the same time, prepare the tickets for the raffle.  The process:

1.     Use your raffle committee or ask for volunteers to help prepare the ticket stubs.  Use this project to get members involved with a council activity. 
2.     Remove the staple/tab to separate the books of tickets.
3.     Make sure all the tickets have a name and telephone number
4.     Stamp or write your council number on the back of the ticket.  This validates the ticket for eligibility and is necessary to award the bonus if we reach the 10% growth in sales.
5.     In addition, you need to provide us with number of Century Blocks of tickets your council members sold and the names of the Knights that sold over $1,000 or more. See attachments. 

If someone from your council in not attending the State Convention:

1.     Mail your ticket stubs, State Raffle Report, and Council Check made out to State Council  to: Richard Armanini, 3315 E Dry Creek Road Phoenix AZ  85044-7022
2.     The absolute last day to mail them is May 14th and send they Priority Mail to guarantee they will arrive before by May 15th.  After that date, I will leave for the convention.
If you or someone from your council is attending the State Convention and will bring the raffle material they need to know to:

1.     Bring [1] State Raffle Report, [2] ticket stubs and [3] Council Check to the convention at the Sheraton Crescent Hotel, 2620 West Dunlap Avenue. Phoenix, AZ 85021.
2.     Turn in the tickets late Friday afternoon or Saturday morning before 12:00 noon.
3.     You have plenty of time to deposit all personal check and cash with your Fin Sec and have the Treasurer cut a check for the total amount of tickets soldPlease do not bring personal check or cash to the convention.  If this is a problem, contact me ASAP on my cell phone.
4.     Communicate with the Grand Knight, Delegate, or District Deputy to make sure they understand the process.  Every year someone brings only tickets without money or a check without tickets and/or not report.  We need all three, a report, stubs, and a council check.
5.     Keep all three items [Report, stubs and council check] together.  The DEADLINE to turn in tickets is SATURDAY AT NOON].

Thanks everyone for your help with this very important Charity Raffle.

Richard Armanini
State Charity Raffle Director
3315 E Dry Creek Road
Phoenix, AZ  85044-7022
Telephone:  480.706.9314
Cell phone:  480.818.1774
"Leadership is action, not a position"


  1. Will will drawing results be published?


    Mike B.

  2. We will be publishing as soon as we have verification.
