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Friday, June 27, 2014

Fortnight for Freedom - July 4, 2014

Brother Knights,

Please see the information below.  So far we have 15 volunteers and we need at least 35.  We are in desperate need of at least 20 more volunteers in order to fulfill our obligation in this very important activity.  We know that it is the 4th of July and a lot of us will be out of town or will be with family.  We are not asking for you to give up your entire day or evening.  It is for two and half  to three (3) hours of your time.  We will be finished before it gets dark, which will give you plenty of time to get back to your family for your evening activities.  I just want you to know that you will be helping the unfortunate that evening (late afternoon) with one meal.  And that one meal may be the only balanced meal they will be getting that day or days.  But we can’t help them if we don’t have enough volunteers to help feed them.  So I are asking you to please give up a part of your day to help those unfortunate souls who will be grateful of our services!

We appreciate all you do to help other who can’t help themselves.  we look forward in hearing from you in the next few days.  The attached form need to be signed and return to me prior to helping on Friday, July 4, 2014 from 4:00-6:30pm.  You can email it or send it to me.  Please see below how you can contact me.

Bless you my Brothers in Christ! 

Chet Yancy
Knights of Columbus
State Community Director (2014-2015)
Chester (Chet) R. Yancy
649 N. Roanoke
Mesa, AZ  85205-6308
Home:  (480) 218-0893
Cell:     (602) 309-1246

On Friday, July 4, 2014, we have been asked to help serve Dinner at St. Vincent de Paul Dining Hall, located at 420 W. Watkins Road, Phoenix, AZ.  Volunteers from Catholic Charities will be staffing the breakfast and the Diocese of Phoenix Staff and families will staffing the lunch.  Bishop Nevares will be in attendance to serve lunch along the with the Diocese Staff.  Call time is 3:30pm and Dinner time is from 4:00pm to 6:30pm (usually finish up between 6:00-6:15pm).  As you can see we will still have time to enjoy fireworks after dark that evening.  We are in need of 35-40 people to help out at dinner time.  The St Vincent de Paul staff will provide/schedule volunteers for the family evening meal. 

For you Councils, this will be a great opportunity to add or fulfill your Community Activity for the month of July.  And to let you know, this is not just for Phoenix and its surrounding cities and towns, but this invitation goes out to Tucson and its surrounding cities and town and Flagstaff and its surrounding cities and towns.  In order to be eligible to work the dinner, a person will be at least 8 years old (8-14 must be accompanied by parent/guardian) and have a sign affidavit (see attachment) prior to working/volunteeringPlease read and complete the attached form and return it to me by email (preferred) or snail mail as quickly as possible. So as you can see, this can be a family activity with family member(s) helping out, which equates to be fun.  Also, please wear conservative comfortable clothing with closed in shoes.   Will you help us on July 4, 2014?

I am the contact person for this Activity and my contact information is below.

Knights of Columbus
State Community Director
Chester (Chet) R. Yancy
649 N. Roanoke
Mesa, AZ  85205-6308
Home:  (480) 218-0893
Cell:     (602) 309-1246

Knights in Action Council 11855

4754-Sir Knights of Miller and Weber Assemblies in Tucson provide an escort for the Blessed Sacrament on the feast of Corpus Christi at Saints Peter and Paul church in Tucson.

4756-Parishioners joined in the Corpus Christi procession.

8361-14-State Chaplain, Fr. Patrick Crino, invited parishioners to "Take Jesus to the world."

8444-14-Knights of Bishop Francis J. Green, Council 11855, at Saints Peter and Paul church joined six other parish ministries in providing an altar for Corpus Christi Sunday.

4769-At the conclusion of the Corpus Christi procession parishioners attended Mass.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Fr. Hoorman Mass Corpus Christi - Council 10062

On June 22, 2014, Fr. Albert Francis Hoorman celebrated his last mass as pastor of Corpus Christi Catholic Church on the feast day of Corpus Christi.
Fr. Hoorman has been a strong supporter of the Knights having installed a statue of Fr. McGivney in the church mounted in cement "so that no pastor succeeding him could remove it."
One of Fr. Hoorman's proud moments was when he announced Fr. Kurt Perera, Deacon Kevin Grimditch (soon to be Fr. Grimditch), seminarian Nathaniel Glenn, and now entering the seminary Justin Meehan. Fr. Hoorman told incoming Parochial Administrator Fr. Chad King that he is taking on a church that supports vocations!

Assembly 14 provided the Honor Guard.

Fr. Hoorman wearing his Knights of Columbus vestments for his last mass as pastor.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

2014 Raffle Results

Attached are the 2014 Raffle Results

Century Sales

10% Sales Report

Millenium Sales

Monday, June 16, 2014

Diocese's Fortnight for Freedom Activities

On Friday, July 4, 2014, we have been asked to help serve Dinner at St. Vincent de Paul Dining Hall, located at 420 W. Watkins Road, Phoenix, AZ.  Volunteers from Catholic Charities will be staffing the breakfast and the Diocese of Phoenix Staff and families will staffing the lunch.  Bishop Nevares will be in attendance to serve lunch along the with the Diocese Staff.  Call time is 3:30pm and Dinner time is from 4:00pm to 6:30pm (usually finish up between 6:00-6:15pm).  As you can see we will still have time to enjoy fireworks after dark that evening.  We are in need of 35-40 people to help out at dinner time.  The St Vincent de Paul staff will provide/schedule volunteers for the family evening meal. 

For you Councils, this will be a great opportunity to add or fulfill your Community Activity for the month of July.  And to let you know, this is not just for Phoenix and its surrounding cities and towns, but this invitation goes out to Tucson and its surrounding cities and town and Flagstaff and its surrounding cities and towns.  In order to be eligible to work the dinner, a person will be at least 8 years old (8-14 must be accompanied by parent/guardian) and have a sign affidavit (see attachment) prior to working/volunteeringPlease read and complete the attached form and return it to me by email (preferred) or snail mail as quickly as possible. So as you can see, this can be a family activity with family member(s) helping out, which equates to be fun.  Also, please wear conservative comfortable clothing with closed in shoes.   Will you help us on July 4, 2014?

I am the contact person for this Activity and my contact information is below.

Knights of Columbus
State Community Director
Chester (Chet) R. Yancy
649 N. Roanoke
Mesa, AZ  85205-6308
Home:  (480) 218-0893
Cell:     (602) 309-1246

Independence Day Prayer


Our Country is in need of prayer. Please come to the Independence Day Prayer for America at SS Simon and Jude Cathedral with Bishop Eduardo Nevares presiding. Time: 8:30 am Mass and USA Rosary. Let the Knights of Columbus lead the way and fill the Cathedral.

For more information contact Jack Ahern, jma@magnalite-usa.com

Vivat Jesus!

Friday, June 13, 2014

Fr. Kenneth Walker Funeral Mass


There will be a Funeral Mass for Fr. Kenneth Walker:

On Monday, June 16, 2014 – A Solemn High Requiem Mass, (Body Not Present), will be held at Saint Catherine of Sienna Parish, 6401 S. Central Avenue, Phoenix, AZ 85042   at 10:00 a.m.

An Honor Guard is being requested.  Muster time 9:30 a.m. .

More information concerning Mass time and other information concerning the Mater Misericordiae (Mother of Mercy) Mission please go to: http://www.phoenixlatinmass.com

Bryant R. Sayers

Arizona State Deputy

Thursday, June 12, 2014



PHOENIX - As police investigate the murder of one Catholic priest and the senseless beating of another, plans have been made to honor their priesthood and offer prayers for the soul of one and recovery of the other. Tonight, Thursday, June 12, 2014, Catholics from Mater Misericondiae Mission and others from around the Diocese of Phoenix, will gather at Ss. Simon and Jude Cathedral at 7:00 p.m. The Catholic Cathedral is located at 6351 N. 27th, Avenue, in Phoenix (just north of Bethany Home Road). All members of the public are invited to attend this prayer vigil.

The Rev. Kenneth Walker, a 28-year-old priest and associate pastor of the mission, was shot and killed Wednesday night. 

Rev. Joseph Terra, pastor of the church was seriously beaten and remains in critical, but stable, condition at a local hospital.

Police responded to the church to investigate a possible burglary and found one priest shot and the other badly beaten, according to several news reports.

The Diocese of Phoenix issued the following statement: "We are stunned and deeply saddened to learn of the tragic assault perpetrated last night against Fr. Joseph Terra and Fr. Kenneth Walker, two religious order priests who belong to the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter." More news and information can be found on the Diocesan Catholic Sun website - http://www.catholicsun.org/2014/06/12/priest-killed-in-deadly-attack-at-downtown-phoenix-church/.

Both priests were members of the Knights of Columbus, a Catholic fraternal service organization. Father Terra helped found a Knights of Columbus Council at his parish, where services are performed in the Latin Rite. State Deputy Bryant Sayers, leader of the Knights of Columbus in Arizona, said “Our thoughts and Prayers are with the family of Fr. Kenneth Walker (may he rest in peace), the parishioners of Mater Misericordiae Mission in Phoenix, and with Fr. Joseph Terra, that may he recover quickly.  The Arizona Knights of Columbus stand ready to support Council 15576 and the parishioners of Mater Misericordiae Mission.”

For more information on the Knights of Columbus, or this media release, please contact John Garcia, State Public Relations Director for the Arizona State Council. He can be reached at telephone: (602) 525-4424.

John S. Garcia
Public Relations Director
Arizona State Council
(602) 525-4424

Tuesday, June 10, 2014


Last chance for 2013 / 2014 FIRST DEGREE - St. Rita In The Desert Council 14230 - Vail, AZ
When: Sat June 28, 2014, 8:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
Where: St Rita In The Desert Church, 13260 E Colossal Cave Rd, Vail, AZ 85641

Candidates Register: 8:30 AM
Degree Starts: 9:00 AM

For more information please contact:

GK Gary Alvarez, gk14230@gmail.com; (520) 490-2824 to inform him of how many members and candidates from your Council you intend to bring.


When: Sat June 28, 2014
Candidates Register: 9:00 AM
Degree Starts: 10:00 AM
Where: St Helen Catholic Church, 5510 W Cholla St, Glendale, AZ, 85304 - Teen Center Basement

For more information please contact:
GK Joe Gonzol: gonzo582@cox.net; 602-316-2168
Bob Kefurt, disprbob@live.com; 440-813-0592 to inform him of how many members and candidates from your Council you are intend to bring.

To be certain the New Knights are registered with Supreme for the 2013-2014 Fraternal Year the deadline to receive form 100's at the Supreme office is Monday, June 30th at 3:00 p.m. EST. They can be faxed or scanned and emailed to the numbers below.

Be sure all information is readable on the Form 100. If you send it by FAX, copy Form 100 first to be sure all information is readable (Do Not Fax actual Form), and include a cover sheet with your contact information.

Sunday, June 01, 2014

Memorial Day Mass - Tucson

4460 - Bishop of Tucson Gerald Kicanas receives Offertory gifts at the Memorial Day Mass held at Holy Hope Cemetery in Tucson.  WW II Veteran Sal Gentile is seated at the far left.

4513 - Sixteen SKs from Gerke, Assembly 16, and Miller, Assembly 2308, provided an honor guard at Holy Hope Cemetery.  Weber, Assembly 2152, provided the Honor Guard at Our Lady of the Desert Cemetery Memorial Day Mass.

4594(2) SKs Robert Roll and Louis Centobene listen to the Bishop's message.

4689 - Many young people took time to serve at the Memorial Day Mass.

4698 - State Chaplain Fr. Patrick Crino sings the recessional...all the way out.

4730 - Bishop Kicanas thanks retired U.S. Army Colonel and PSD Pedro Najera for attending the Memorial Day Mass.