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Sunday, June 22, 2014

Fr. Hoorman Mass Corpus Christi - Council 10062

On June 22, 2014, Fr. Albert Francis Hoorman celebrated his last mass as pastor of Corpus Christi Catholic Church on the feast day of Corpus Christi.
Fr. Hoorman has been a strong supporter of the Knights having installed a statue of Fr. McGivney in the church mounted in cement "so that no pastor succeeding him could remove it."
One of Fr. Hoorman's proud moments was when he announced Fr. Kurt Perera, Deacon Kevin Grimditch (soon to be Fr. Grimditch), seminarian Nathaniel Glenn, and now entering the seminary Justin Meehan. Fr. Hoorman told incoming Parochial Administrator Fr. Chad King that he is taking on a church that supports vocations!

Assembly 14 provided the Honor Guard.

Fr. Hoorman wearing his Knights of Columbus vestments for his last mass as pastor.


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