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Sunday, June 01, 2014

Memorial Day Mass - Tucson

4460 - Bishop of Tucson Gerald Kicanas receives Offertory gifts at the Memorial Day Mass held at Holy Hope Cemetery in Tucson.  WW II Veteran Sal Gentile is seated at the far left.

4513 - Sixteen SKs from Gerke, Assembly 16, and Miller, Assembly 2308, provided an honor guard at Holy Hope Cemetery.  Weber, Assembly 2152, provided the Honor Guard at Our Lady of the Desert Cemetery Memorial Day Mass.

4594(2) SKs Robert Roll and Louis Centobene listen to the Bishop's message.

4689 - Many young people took time to serve at the Memorial Day Mass.

4698 - State Chaplain Fr. Patrick Crino sings the recessional...all the way out.

4730 - Bishop Kicanas thanks retired U.S. Army Colonel and PSD Pedro Najera for attending the Memorial Day Mass.


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