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Monday, June 16, 2014

Diocese's Fortnight for Freedom Activities

On Friday, July 4, 2014, we have been asked to help serve Dinner at St. Vincent de Paul Dining Hall, located at 420 W. Watkins Road, Phoenix, AZ.  Volunteers from Catholic Charities will be staffing the breakfast and the Diocese of Phoenix Staff and families will staffing the lunch.  Bishop Nevares will be in attendance to serve lunch along the with the Diocese Staff.  Call time is 3:30pm and Dinner time is from 4:00pm to 6:30pm (usually finish up between 6:00-6:15pm).  As you can see we will still have time to enjoy fireworks after dark that evening.  We are in need of 35-40 people to help out at dinner time.  The St Vincent de Paul staff will provide/schedule volunteers for the family evening meal. 

For you Councils, this will be a great opportunity to add or fulfill your Community Activity for the month of July.  And to let you know, this is not just for Phoenix and its surrounding cities and towns, but this invitation goes out to Tucson and its surrounding cities and town and Flagstaff and its surrounding cities and towns.  In order to be eligible to work the dinner, a person will be at least 8 years old (8-14 must be accompanied by parent/guardian) and have a sign affidavit (see attachment) prior to working/volunteeringPlease read and complete the attached form and return it to me by email (preferred) or snail mail as quickly as possible. So as you can see, this can be a family activity with family member(s) helping out, which equates to be fun.  Also, please wear conservative comfortable clothing with closed in shoes.   Will you help us on July 4, 2014?

I am the contact person for this Activity and my contact information is below.

Knights of Columbus
State Community Director
Chester (Chet) R. Yancy
649 N. Roanoke
Mesa, AZ  85205-6308
Home:  (480) 218-0893
Cell:     (602) 309-1246


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