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Monday, July 14, 2014

2014-2015 Arizona State Council's Membership Incentive Brochure

July 1, 2014
It is our moral obligation for us to ask every Catholic man, over 18 years old, to become a member of the Knights of Columbus! The Arizona State Council’s theme for the 2014-2015  fraternal year is “I will Choose Christ, I will Choose Love, I Choose to Serve.” Inspired by Arizona singer and song writer Tom Booth, this theme exemplifies the four principles of our Order: Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism. We need to grow the Order in Arizona so we are strong and stand up for Catholic causes, the Culture of Life, support our Bishops and Priests, and help bring stability to our families and community.
Sometimes, the hardest thing about recruiting is taking the first step. Recruiting a new member can be as easy as asking him to join. Amazingly, many individuals haven't joined the Knights simply because they have never been asked to join. When the opportunity arrives, take the initiative and start a conversation with a potential prospect. It’s the first step for recruiting on a one-on-one basis and can yield very positive results.
Every member of the Knights of Columbus in Arizona is eligible to participate in the “2014-2015 Arizona Star Recruiter” incentive program. All you need to do is recruit a new member, be a friend and guide to them through their application process, escort them to their 1st Degree exemplification, and help start them on their way as a successful brother Knight in our Order.
Please feel free to reach out to either State Membership Director Stan Schroeder PSD or me for any assistance we can offer towards your successful recruitment efforts.
     Vivat Jesus!
   Larry Becker
    State Deputy



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