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Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Message from Arizona State Deputy 2014-2015 Larry Becker

July 1, 2014
Happy New Year! The 2014-2015 fraternal year has begun!
First, I want to thank you for your support and confidence you have provided to the new Arizona State Council Officers; State Secretary Skip Hopler, State Treasurer Sean Halpain, State Advocate Tom Kalisz, State Warden Mario Vassallo, and Immediate Past State Deputy Bryant Sayers. I especially want to thank IPSD Bryant Sayers for the fine job he has done to increase your confidence in the State Officers and the State Council and also unifying the Arizona jurisdiction form North to South and East to West. We are all very excited and enthusiastic to serve you, our Order, and our Church throughout this new fraternal year.
Second, there are a lot of new faces in many of the District Deputy and State Program Chairs. I would like to thank the retiring District Deputies and Program Chairmen from the last fraternal year for all their work for the Order. The team we assembled this year has a lot of fresh ideas and plans to help grow and strengthen the Order in Arizona. Please welcome them into your councils with their insights on quality programs.
Third, from day one of the fraternal year, you should pull out a fresh clean copy of the Columbian Award Application (SP-7). Every council in Arizona received from Supreme, 12 “Surge for Service” CDs. There is one for each of your Council Officers and Council Service Program Chairmen. Use these tools to plan your year. Earning the Star Council Award should your number one goal! By earning this prestigious award, you will grow and strengthen your council to succeed and proper in its future. To help you reach this goal, we will be introducing an exciting State level incentive program at the 2014 Organizational Meeting, on July 12, at St. Timothy Catholic Church, in Mesa. Please look in the State website for more information about the Organizational Meeting. We look forward to seeing you there!
Vivat Jesus!
Larry Becker

State Deputy


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