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Saturday, July 12, 2014

Membership - 201407

Dear Brother Knights,
The organization meeting held on July 12 at St. Tim's in Mesa was a clear sign that we have good team of District Deputies who are excited about the new fraternal year.  At the meeting previous year results were put aside, new goals established for membership, and key programs outlined that will increase your visibility and grow under the State Deputy's Theme, "I Will Choose Christ, I Will Choose Love, I Choose to Serve".  The final goal is "Every Council a Star Council".

For the mid-July check point, the current membership results can be compared to the monsoon season that has hit Arizona.  The rain is a welcome relief from the dry hot days of early June.  With the rain comes a new buzz throughout the state as fire restrictions in the national forest are lifted.  With the good is also the nuisance of dirty cars from blowing dust, tree branches and yes the lawn chairs blown into the back your pool.

This reflection of the monsoon season is similar to the review of the Mid July Membership results.  There are five councils who have taken the “Every Council Active in July” theme to heart giving the State a Gross intake of 11 new members.   As with the monsoon, there are the nuisance results that all of us have to deal with, suspensions.  Unfortunately, the suspensions of 27 put the State Net Membership at a -17 for the mid July report.  Compared to the order, Arizona net membership ranks 69 out of the 72 jurisdictions.  The road ahead is rough, but as a team, Arizona will be the rising star of the order.   In the past, Brother Knights in Arizona have risen the challenge and now the challenge is to be #1 of the Order in net membership growth.

In summary, please deal with the suspensions by ensuring all effort is made in retaining our membership.  If the member who is on the list of suspension has Knights of Columbus Insurance, please try saving the member by working with the General Agent, Nate Raso and his staff of great brother knights.  And most importantly and a challenge to all council officers, ask a Catholic Gentleman to join the Knights of Columbus.


Stan Schroeder, PSD
State Membership Director


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