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Saturday, April 11, 2015

Special Olympics

April 2 & 3rd brought the Special Olympics to the west valley, and St. Helen Council 11738 again was a part of the action.
The events were held at Kellis high school, located at 8990 W. Orangewood, in Glendale.
The spring games included most of the normal track & field games as well as softball and tennis-ball throw.
Once again we are taught that charity is so much more than giving money.  The opportunity for us to give a small amount of time is rewarded a hundredfold in the expressions on the athletes faces after they have tried their best.
We have another opportunity to provide of ourselves on May 7-9, again at Kellis High School.
Check with your Grand Knight for the specifics.

Thursday, April 09, 2015

SOAZ Summer Games May 7 - 9

Good Morning Brothers,

       Below is the Volunteer information for the upcoming Arizona State Special Olympics Summer Games, which will be from May 7th thru May 9th 2015.
The Games will be held at Raymond S. Kellis High School, 8990 West Orangewood, Glendale, AZ  85305 (623-412-5425).

Please forward this to all Councils who might be interested in Volunteering.

All completed Group Registration Forms should be emailed directly to Sarah Haines (Sarah@SpecialOlympicsArizona.org) and please "cc" me.

Vivat Jesus!!!

Kevin Donnelly
State Special Olympics Chairman
Arizona State Council
Knights of Columbus
Cell: (520) 370-9041


Here are the group registration forms for Summer Games, along with a role description.  Our biggest need is the later shift on Thursday night on the track and in awards.  The other big need is the later shift on Friday afternoon, again on the track and in staging.
See attached file: Thursday - Summer Games Group Registration Form.xlsx
See attached file: Friday - Summer Games Group Registration Form.xlsx
See attached file: Saturday - Summer Games Group Registration Form.xlsx
See attached file: Summer Games Volunteer Role Description.pdf

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to let me know.

Kindest regards,

Sarah Haines
Director of Volunteers and Human Resource | Special Olympics Arizona
Special Olympics Arizona
Sarah@SpecialOlympicsArizona.org| www.SpecialOlympicsArizona.org

New Twitter Post!!!

Special Olympic Summer Games help needed in Phoenix: http://t.co/8ct6SskN7f

April 09, 2015 at 09:32AM


Wednesday, April 08, 2015

New Motorbike for Priest in Nepal

Fr. Silas Bogati, Vicar General of the Apostolic Vicariate of Nepal, is

shown here with his new motorbike, purchased by Bishop Salpointe Council
#4584 (Sierra Vista, AZ).

               During one of his bi-annual visits to the Diocese of Tucson, to raise funds
for the Church in Nepal, Fr. Silas became a member of Council #5133 (Tucson
AZ), and, this last February, a member of the 4th Degree! During his fund
raising mission in Sierra Vista AZ, he shared with his Brother Knights of
Council #4584, that his 25-year-old motorbike - his chief means for
traveling around to the various missions and parishes scattered throughout
this predominately Hindu nation - had 'succumbed' to old age and a lack of
vintage replacement parts. The Council made this a special fund-raising
effort and were able to send Fr. Silas back to Nepal with sufficient funds
to purchase his new "ride". Fr. Silas is the first - and at this time - only
Nepalese Knight of Columbus!

Thursday, April 02, 2015

Membership Memo

Dear Brother Knights,
March Madness held up to its title for Arizona Membership growth.  March was an amazing month for all of Arizona.  The gross intake for the Month of March was 99 new members!  There are a few other worthy notes to share regarding the membership growth in Arizona.
Congratulation to Council 13841 for the being the first council to qualify  for the Triple Star, 300% membership growth and 133% insurance growth.  
There are also two councils, Council 13272 and 15497 who have achieved membership growth and insurance growth required for the Double Star.  
With 90 days remaining in this fraternal year, there is plenty of time for all councils to shoot for the stars and look for opportunities to be on the elite list of Star, Double Star and Triple Star councils.  Are you aware of Supreme's generous incentive for achieving Star Council? 
Last month, the message focused on Arizona's rankings compared to other Jurisdictions in our honored order.  As we start the final quarter of this fraternal year, Arizona is making progress in the rankings.
As of April 2nd: Arizona Rankings are:

Gross Intake (Recruiting and reactivation):  22nd, up from 24

Net Intake (Gross intake minus suspensions and withdrawal):  41st, up from 46th

Sirs, keep up the good work and together as a team, Arizona will succeed in achieving Circle of Honor, Your Award for Your Hard Work!

I will Choose Christ

I will Choose Love

I Choose to Serve

Easter message from the Church Director

Happy Easter!

Easter brings us joy and hope in Jesus. We have a problem in the United States called secular humanism. This problem has infected the church in many ways. Attendance at Mass is down, reception of the sacraments is down, families willing to allow their sons and daughters to become priests or religious is down, the list goes on and on. However, the church is resilient. We will overcome with the knowledge of our Lord and the hope and joy we receive from Him and the Holy Spirit.

As the Easter season begins, look at ways that your councils can encourage hope and joy in Christ. Begin new programs of prayer in your councils and parishes. The message of Easter should bring great hope even in the face of discouragement. It is up to each of us to bring this hope to all of God's people.

I extend the blessings of the Easter joy to all of you and those you love. Let us continue the journey of bringing the gospel message of Jesus to all the world.

Deacon Bruce Bennett, EdD
AZ Church Director, Knights of Columbus
Grand Knight, Knights of Columbus Council 3121

Wednesday, April 01, 2015

Volunteers Needed for Special Olympics Tennis Competition ~ Saturday, April 11th



When:         Saturday, April 11th       
                 12:00PM – 4:00PM
Where:        Tucson Racquet & Fitness Club
                 4001 N. Country Club Rd.

    What:          Approximately 100 volunteers are needed to assist with our Individual Skills Competition and to keep score/officiate singles match play. Previous tennis experience is preferred, but not absolutely necessary for all assignments.
                              We’re also in need of two EMTs or RNs to provide basic first aid and two or three photographers.
    Volunteers are asked to arrive/register between 11:30AM – 12:00PM; training will take place from 12:00PM – 12:30PM. This is a wonderful opportunity to work directly with the athletes. You’re guaranteed to have a great experience!
      Contact:      Contact Holly Thompson at HollyThompson@specialolympicsarizona.com (no phone calls please). Volunteer groups and organizations are asked to designate one contact person to email on their behalf. Please indicate in your email if you have tennis experience.
 Click here for Flyer
Click here for spreadsheet
Thank you!

Holly Thompson
Coronado Area Director
Special Olympics Arizona



Direct: 520.207.1382      Fax: 520.207.0789

3340 N. Country Club Road - Suite 102, Tucson, Arizona 85716


Donate. Click here to learn about the rewards of Thoughtful Giving.
Volunteer. Warning! It’s addicting! Find volunteer opportunities here.
Merchandise. Get your favorite SOAZ gear now at our online merchandise store!

 (See attached file: 2015 Special Olympics Tennis Volunteer Flyer.pdf)

State Deputy Message - April 2015

April 1, 2015


We are in the 4th Quarter of this fraternal year. We have 3 months to reach our goals of earning Star Council, Star District, and the Circle of Honor. Supreme Knight Carl Anderson says, “We are called to preach the Gospel in word and in deed, building up the civilization of love.” As we grow and strengthen the Order in Arizona, we have the awesome task of building the culture of love. We can do this! We are doing this! Know that by earning the Star Council Award, you are growing in strength to serve your Parish, Church, and community, while fostering a spirt of fraternity and love.

You should strive to earn Star Council which is the highest honor a council can achieve. This year we are working to have at least one council earn Star Council per district. This would be at least 32 Star Council Awards in Arizona. If your council’s Form 1728 is past due date, please submit it as soon as possible, it will count towards Star Council. The Form SP-7, Application for Columbian Award, is due June 30, 2015 and this due date is firm.  If Supreme does not have it by June 30, then a council will not win the Columbian Award or the Star Council Award.  Your council can submit this form as early as April 1 and list the activities they plan to do until June 30. Get it in early! Even if you don’t think you will earn Star Council due to not enough new members or new insured members, get it in because you can earn the Columbian Award. At a minimum, every council Arizona should earn the Columbian Award!

Please take advantage of the Supreme Incentives which are about the best incentives we have ever seen! You can win valuable Knights of Columbus merchandise at Knightsgear.com by recruiting new members or former members. Between January 1, 2015 and June 30, 2015, you have the opportunity to double your points from 500 to 1,000 VIP points when you recruit between one and five members. Recruit six or more members, and you double your points again from 1,000 to 2,000 VIP points per new members. The Supreme Council announced an outstanding incentive for councils who achieve the Star Council Award. If a council earns the Star Council Award in the 2014-2015 fraternal year, that council will receive a credit for the 2015-2016 fraternal year of $4.50 for each billable member on their roster as of July 1, 2015. Why would anyone suspend a member when Supreme will pay their assessment? Of course, that is if you earn Star Council.

Please take advantage of the Arizona State Council’s incentives which were designed to encourage all Arizona Knights to recruit and receive recognition for their efforts in strengthening the Order in their council, district, and in Arizona. Earn your Arizona Star Recruiter Pin now! You can continue to submit your Star Recruiter Entry Post Cards until June 30, 2015. A special commutative Star Recruiter pin will be sent to your address as soon as we receive your post card. You can earn a pin for each new, inactive, or former member you recruit. The climax of the State’s incentive program will be at the 2015 State Convention. There will be awesome recognition for the winners. Please do everything you can to meet and exceed your council’s membership quota by April 30 to qualify for the council level awards. Even the District Deputies have a chance to win in this incentive!

Please plan to attend the State Convention on May 15 to 17, 2015. This is the best way to learn about our programs and many of the accomplishments of this fraternal year. Every council, who is current with their Supreme and State Per Capita, is entitled to two delegates and two alternates to represent their council. Your council and members are doing amazing projects and service to our Church and community. Please submit your council and worthy members for the various State Service and Program Awards. This convention promises to one of the best!

Remember that by living our State theme, “I will choose Christ, I will choose love, I choose to serve”, you and your council will exemplify our four principles of Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism. With this, your current members and your new members can be an enormous force for good in your council, Church, family, and community.

Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns.

Vivat Jesus!

Larry Becker