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Thursday, April 02, 2015

Membership Memo

Dear Brother Knights,
March Madness held up to its title for Arizona Membership growth.  March was an amazing month for all of Arizona.  The gross intake for the Month of March was 99 new members!  There are a few other worthy notes to share regarding the membership growth in Arizona.
Congratulation to Council 13841 for the being the first council to qualify  for the Triple Star, 300% membership growth and 133% insurance growth.  
There are also two councils, Council 13272 and 15497 who have achieved membership growth and insurance growth required for the Double Star.  
With 90 days remaining in this fraternal year, there is plenty of time for all councils to shoot for the stars and look for opportunities to be on the elite list of Star, Double Star and Triple Star councils.  Are you aware of Supreme's generous incentive for achieving Star Council? 
Last month, the message focused on Arizona's rankings compared to other Jurisdictions in our honored order.  As we start the final quarter of this fraternal year, Arizona is making progress in the rankings.
As of April 2nd: Arizona Rankings are:

Gross Intake (Recruiting and reactivation):  22nd, up from 24

Net Intake (Gross intake minus suspensions and withdrawal):  41st, up from 46th

Sirs, keep up the good work and together as a team, Arizona will succeed in achieving Circle of Honor, Your Award for Your Hard Work!

I will Choose Christ

I will Choose Love

I Choose to Serve


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