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Wednesday, April 08, 2015

New Motorbike for Priest in Nepal

Fr. Silas Bogati, Vicar General of the Apostolic Vicariate of Nepal, is

shown here with his new motorbike, purchased by Bishop Salpointe Council
#4584 (Sierra Vista, AZ).

               During one of his bi-annual visits to the Diocese of Tucson, to raise funds
for the Church in Nepal, Fr. Silas became a member of Council #5133 (Tucson
AZ), and, this last February, a member of the 4th Degree! During his fund
raising mission in Sierra Vista AZ, he shared with his Brother Knights of
Council #4584, that his 25-year-old motorbike - his chief means for
traveling around to the various missions and parishes scattered throughout
this predominately Hindu nation - had 'succumbed' to old age and a lack of
vintage replacement parts. The Council made this a special fund-raising
effort and were able to send Fr. Silas back to Nepal with sufficient funds
to purchase his new "ride". Fr. Silas is the first - and at this time - only
Nepalese Knight of Columbus!


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